Friday, March 8, 2013

Wildly Windy

Instagrams for today...
Last night was a very rough night between Liam and Lilly I think I was up almost all night. Liam kept coughing so I made him honey water. I swear He sleep walks/cries. I couldn't get him to drink it so I did this. An hour later I came back he was still like this taking little sips.

I took a shower and i asked the boys to watch Lilly. While I was in there she started crying. The boys ran into tell me they were gonna pick her up. About 30 seconds later they said it's okay mom she just wanted to lay down on the ground. When i got out of the shower she was watching a show with them. P.S When I got in the shower Eli was dressed too.

It's 10:30 here in Arizona and miss Lilly la roue just woke up! Why is my two year old giving me a harder time then my 3 month old.

The Peak of my day had to be when Alexus came over. She originally was going to watch the kids while I went to yoga, but she got out of school late so I missed my class. I figured she was still here so I used her to watch the kids while I caught up on a few things that I have fallen behind on.

The Pit was when Jacob called me late in the afternoon. He was having a bad day at work, and I just hate it when Jacob is unhappy.

It was really really windy today. Actually the weather was just down right crazy! Eli and Liam were playing across the street at their friend Izzy's house. I went over there to get them for dinner and as we were headed back the weather got even more crazy. I never want to forget all the funny craziness that followed. I had an umbrella that Liam wanted I handed it to him and the wind picked up so much it started to pull Liam and the umbrella. I took the umbrella from Liam. It was at the moment Liam seemed to be nervous about the weather and took of bolting across the street. I look over at Eli had he is running while what seems to be thoughts of leaves swirling around him. I check back again at Liam who is running just as fast as he can and his pants are falling off his bottom. The poor boy is trying to decided if he should slow down to pull them up or just keep going. I know I am not doing this memory justice. I just hope I can keep this visual picture in my head it was a really, funny, fun, crazy, wild moment.

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