Friday, March 15, 2013

Lili's 4 month check up

Yesterday Lili went in for her 4 month check up. Since I wrote so much yesterday I thought I would do my own separate post of this even since it was huge in her little life.

Lili's current stats are:
Weight: 11lbs 10 oz 25th%tile
Height 25.25in 50%tile
head: 16 50th%tile

I didn't need to get these stats to know the Lili is completely different then my boys. She is super tiny running on the petite side. I'm curious if she will even be tiny like Jacob's mother. Then here had is 50% which isn't large but when the boys were so big and they were 10%, and Lili so small in a larger percent it's just funny. Lilia is a complete and utter joy in our home. These are Lili's milestones as of right now
  • She can roll over half way. She can go from tummy to back, but not the other way...just yet
  • I fell ike all she does all day is look at her brothers and smile and laugh. She is a happy little girl and has caught on we enjoy her smile. So she does it often.
  • She can now grab things, and has a very strong grip sometimes I'm shocked at how hard it is to take something from her.
  • She now will follow things with her eyes and watch me move around the room
  • Lilia has a very high interest in food. She seems very curious with what I have and she ALWAYS is trying to get her paws on it.
  • When she is sleeping she does the cute thing where she wraps her arms while she is sleeping. It's almost like she is hugging herself.
  • This is my first official binky baby. I'm not going to lie at this stage a binky is pretty nice. It comforts her and she is much better about keeping it in.
  • She plays well with toys and that's nice so I can get somethings done and spend time with the boys.
  • Lili will wake up in the morning and just sit and play in her crib. Geeze it's a amazing and nice so I can get a few more minutes sleep before the boys get moving.
We love this little girl and we are so every thankful to have her as an addition to our family. It just keeps getting better and better.

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