Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pretty Day

Today was a beautiful day so we headed to the zoo. I posted the following picture on Instagram.


Beautiful day out so this beauty, her two brothers and I are headed to the zoo.
The peak of my day was when Jacob was able to leave work and join us. Jacob works so hard so it is nice when we are able to steal some extra time with him.

The pit was when I came home from the zoo and Marley pooped all over in my garage. Then it got worse when he pooped all over in the boys room. Blah it smelled so bad and I thought I was going to die. Jacob was a doll and came home from work just to clean it up making another peak in my day.

I never want to forget.The first is at the zoo Eli wanted to look through a telescope thing at the animals. I told him that if he did some chores I would pay him. Then after paying tithing the next time he could come with his own money and look in the telescope. He was excited about this then a few minutes later he came up to me and said that he changed his mind. He would still work and pay his tithing but he wanted to use the money for our new big house. He melts my heart with the sweet things he does.

Today was  GREAT day!

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