The only Pit I can think of is there just wasn't enough hours today. We tried to fit in so much. I loved being busy and getting things done I just didn't like feeling stressed like we couldn't fit it all. However we did and it was great. We cleaned house, played at the park, grocery shopped, went to the Dino show, Jacob got a 2 hour massage, we visited my parents, make 50 cup cakes for relief society and went on a date. That's just some of the things. It was a fun day just busy!
I have the relief society lesson tomorrow and I have just loved this entire lesson. I am so excited to teach tomorrow however I am worried I love it too much and I am prepared a little too much. I have a lot of stuff and I am just worried I won't have enough time. I have a list of what I want the women to learn and what I think is most important depending how much time we have. This lesson is about getting a little better day by day it is a wonderful topic. Some key things I never want to forget is: I am a child of god. I have been given tools to help me become perfect. I have also been given spiritual gift and I can acquire more of them (that part really excites me)
Lilly got her first feeding of rice cereal today. Pretty sure she wasn't a fan but she was very curious.
I have the Relief Society lesson tomorrow. I always like to bring treats. I thought why not kill two bird with one stone and do a St. Patrick's day activity with the boys too. They loved it.
This instagram was from Jacob's phone. He wrote...boys were scared out of their minds by a dinosaur this afternoon.
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