Saturday, March 30, 2013

I've gone Rouge

We signed up for the 10 k Rouge Runner and baseball with out knowing that Eli's first game was the same day as the race. I stressed for 2 weeks thinking I might miss his first game. I even thought about having him miss the game so that I wouldn't miss his first game (how messed up is that?) Anyway we got really lucky that it was an afternoon game at 1 pm. Linda and Cecil took him to see us and then drove him to his game while Jacob and I cleaned up. I missed maybe 5 minutes of the game and Jacob missed maybe 10. The Peak of my was was making both the run and the game!

My pit was I felt like I did pretty good at my run but the bones in my feet hurt really bad. I hope that this old volleyball injury doesn't prevent me from doing more events like this in the future.

I Never want to forget that we can always do more then we can think. I don't really like running so the fact that I just up and went and ran 6.2 miles this morning says something. I think the human body and mind is a wonderful thing and when you test it and push it...well it can do some pretty amazing things.

At the end of the race one of the last obstacles. Over 10ft wall and onto some cargo nets! Best obstacle dumpster diving worst buckets filled with rocks up and down a hill.

Then we raced off to Eli's first ever baseball game. I showed up and he was wearing his hat like this. Kid has got his own style.

First at bat. When running to first his hat fell off. He of course ran back to get it then turned back around heading for first.

Today was a fun fun day. Started off running the rouge runner 10 k with 25 obstacles. Loved it! So much fun!

After baseball we finally colored some eggs. This year we did some volcano eggs. it was awesome. The boys liked it. Check out Liam's bright blue hand.

 Then we finished off the day with an egg hunt for glow in the dark eggs! It was an awesome fun day. Now mommies tired time for bed.

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