Thursday, March 14, 2013

Live to be great. Live to your potential. Love the truth

The peak of my day happened at nearly the end of the day. A few weeks ago my best friend Sharisa called me and asked me if I wanted to sign up Eli for Tee ball. Her husband was going to be coaching a team for her for her son Eli's age. I of course loved the idea and signed Eli up right away. I received an e-mail from Sharisa telling us when or practices were and things like that. In the e-mail it mentioned if you have a bat please bring it. I asked Jacob since it was our first child if we should buy a bat. He of course thought we should and so last night we set out to get Eli everything he needed. We went to Sports Authority and Jacob started to pick out everything. He got very seriously about what glove to get, he was looking at bats, and he also felt Eli could use a baseball shirt. It was so cute seeing Jacob be so excited. Ever since our children have been born Jacob has talked about how excited he was to do things with his children like this. Jacob loves all his children very much but he isn't get with the baby phase (his words not mine) now that Eli is getting older he is doing all the stuff Jacob has dreamed about doing. He was so excited and happy last night. I really enjoyed watching Jacob enter this new phase in his life.

The pit of my day was at the very beginning of my day. Lilly just turned four month and thus it was time for a well check. When you baby is so young well checks are fun because you get to see how much they have grown, but they are actually horrible because that also means your sweet little baby will be getting shots. Lilly in particular breaks my heart. The boys would get their shots and be fine as soon as I picked them up. Sometimes they wouldn't even cry until the 2nd shot and other times I wondered if they were more made someone was holding their leg down. Lilly on the other hand is not like that. Shots are the end of the world she cries from the very beginning and for a few seconds after. It was absolutely heart breaking. Even the boys were so sad. On a side not Lilly is doing great just a little skinny. Also when Lilly was getting her shots the boys were very concerned and tried very hard to be supportive for her.

I often catch myself thinking how very very lucky I am to have married into such a wonderful family. I love all my in laws and I love Linda and Cecil like a mother and father. The Ash's are excellent parents. Jacob says his parents are always teaching him to show him how much they love him. (he says that's one of the love languages left out of the book 5 language of love) Any way as I was getting into my bed I heard my phone get an e-mail I saw Cecil had sent an e-mail out to all of us. This e-mail was absolutely fabulous and I really enjoyed it. I hope he doesn't mind my putting it here, but the e-mail read...

I just got home from high council meeting.  I am very impressed with the men with whom I serve. I want to say something to you all. 

When Elder Packer (as an Assistant to the Twelve) came to the France Mission in 1969 or so, I remember him referring to Pres. Marion G. Romney, who was then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve.  Elder Packer said of then Elder Romney,  "He's a man among the men he's among!"  I remember thinking, "and he's in a pretty significant group of men."

Well, tonight I want to tell you about my stake president (of the YSA stake).  His name is Barry Smith.  And he is a man among the men he's among.  He was released in 2011 as the Dallas, TX mission president.  Before his mission, he was in private equities, but mostly in the medical field (administration -- not physician).  A couple weeks ago at a stake priesthood meeting, he was speaking about being with us (on a Sunday night), and the previous Thursday and Friday evenings he had spent with the Governors of the 50 states at banquets.  (The point he was making was that he enjoyed us just as much, and had as much or more respect for us.)

I told your mom that evening, "he was at some kind of meeting in Washington, DC, but I don't know what is was."  Tonight I learned that he is the CEO of Magellen Health Services, Inc.  They are the principal provider of mental health and pharmaceutical services for the Medicaid population in 26 states.  His home is in Paradise Valley, but his office is in Avon, CT.  He flies there in the company jet each Monday, spends two or three days on the east coast, flies all over the country, etc.  But comes home to be the stake president on the weekends, and is generally (but not always) here every 2nd and 4th Thursday for high council.  Tomorrow he's on the west coast.  He's a man (like Romney) of extraordinary capabilities and charisma).  He did not campaign to be CEO, but was on Magellan's board, and was asked by the board to take over January 1. 

I believe he would tell you, as I tell you, that the foundation of his success in life is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  For my children who ever waver in your convictions about the Church, I want you to remember that there are some very, very outstanding people of supernal talent who are convinced of the truthfulness of the gospel, who have the intellect, the integrity, and the capability to discern a sham if they see one, and this Church is true beyond any doubt.  I've heard some Catholic bishops speak (at the UN) who are great intellectuals, and some protestant ministers who are very talented, who have tremendous testimonies of Jesus Christ.  I love them for their contributions to the faith of so many.  But it is not the same as knowing that the Church of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth, and is here being led by a prophet and twelve apostles.

However, my second thought this evening was this:  I'm 64 and I believe I will leave this life having sold myself short.  I will not have accomplished all that I might have done.  You are still young enough to not limit yourselves.  I want you all to become "men (or women) among the men (or women) you're among."   Do not limit yourselves.  I know that you have the talent and abilities to be all that the Lord designed you to be.  You will need to be four things -- as I've told you before:  (1) honest, (2) hard working, (3) kind, and (4) obedient.  But the foundation of everything is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I hope you all read Elder Callister's article that Daniel sent to us.  The world needs to know that single, undeniable truth.  But each of us needs to live by that truth.  It will propel us to be greater than we've ever conceived. 

I love you all.  We pray for you every day.  Live to be great.  Live to your potential.  Love the truth.  One of my favorite scriptures over the last several years, 
Job 13:15, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him."

I never want to forget the lessons that come from my parents (all of them). I am so lucky to have such loving smart people around me pushing me to be what I have the potential to be.

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