Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter one of my favotire days of the year!!

My Peak today was quite a peak. Their is a couple in our ward who I personally think very highly of. They have raised 6 wonderful children. They are strong in the gospel and say such profound things at church. This couple also spoke today during the Easter program.While they both were talking I thought I need to learn as much from the couple as I can, because they are excellent people and I can learn a lot from them. I can not tell you how wonderful I think they are. Today after church I went up to sister Sarger and I told her how much I enjoyed her talk during sacrament meeting. She said thank you and then she thanked me for sharing my testimony. She continued to say I wanted to tell you I was talking to my husband and you remind us of our family when we were your age. I got teary eyed I felt like this was a confirmation that I am doing things right. I am headed in the right direction as a parent. I never want to forget this wonderful compliment.

My Pit was when I heard a story about my brother. He is in a dark place and doesn't even know it. I love him so much and want to help me, but I am honestly lost on how to do that. 

I never want to forget the cuteness of my family. This Easter was so nice a pleasant. I had such cute stories about Eli with dogs have brains, Liam with his funny voice and pride, to  Jacob and his I am so happy to sweating with stress. Oh and not to forget miss Lilly and her happy happy spirit.

All my loves on Easter Sunday

Didn't have someone to take a picture of all of us. so Jacob and I took turns.

Miss Lilly la rue was so cute and happy today. She's always so sweet but today she was extra sweet and fun

I'm not one for self portraits but have you ever seen someone look so tired. I love my family and this weekend was fun but I'm off to bed for some much needed rest.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

I've gone Rouge

We signed up for the 10 k Rouge Runner and baseball with out knowing that Eli's first game was the same day as the race. I stressed for 2 weeks thinking I might miss his first game. I even thought about having him miss the game so that I wouldn't miss his first game (how messed up is that?) Anyway we got really lucky that it was an afternoon game at 1 pm. Linda and Cecil took him to see us and then drove him to his game while Jacob and I cleaned up. I missed maybe 5 minutes of the game and Jacob missed maybe 10. The Peak of my was was making both the run and the game!

My pit was I felt like I did pretty good at my run but the bones in my feet hurt really bad. I hope that this old volleyball injury doesn't prevent me from doing more events like this in the future.

I Never want to forget that we can always do more then we can think. I don't really like running so the fact that I just up and went and ran 6.2 miles this morning says something. I think the human body and mind is a wonderful thing and when you test it and push it...well it can do some pretty amazing things.

At the end of the race one of the last obstacles. Over 10ft wall and onto some cargo nets! Best obstacle dumpster diving worst buckets filled with rocks up and down a hill.

Then we raced off to Eli's first ever baseball game. I showed up and he was wearing his hat like this. Kid has got his own style.

First at bat. When running to first his hat fell off. He of course ran back to get it then turned back around heading for first.

Today was a fun fun day. Started off running the rouge runner 10 k with 25 obstacles. Loved it! So much fun!

After baseball we finally colored some eggs. This year we did some volcano eggs. it was awesome. The boys liked it. Check out Liam's bright blue hand.

 Then we finished off the day with an egg hunt for glow in the dark eggs! It was an awesome fun day. Now mommies tired time for bed.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Always Plan a head

Today's Peak is a realized Lilly is moving on to her next phase of sleeping. She is usually sleeping until 4:30 or 5 eats for about 20 minutes then goes right back to sleep until 7 or 7:30! I can do this schedule. With that being said it makes me sad because my baby is growing up and I fear precious time and memories are slipping through my fingers.

Today we booked a hotel to stay in so that we can do our 10 K tomorrow My mom and dad are watching the boys tonight and I was supposed to drop the kids off at 4pm at their house. I didn't get there until 5! I am a very punctuational person and I always say if you're not early you're late. Well today I was very very late. My Pit was running late

I hate to be late. So I never want to forget what I learned is whenever we are going somewhere that requires me to pack multiple people of the family I need to start early.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


I have been trying to teach myself to sew. My first official all by myself sewing project has been some bows I made for Lilly. After buying all the stuff I realized this was expensive and I had the idea that I will just mkae all the stuff and then what I don't want I will sale and hopefully make back my money. I finished my bows a while ago and I am proud to say I think I can sew pretty straight.I have been meaning to sale some of the bows and today I finally posted them on a website to sale. Within minutes I already sold a bunch. My peak was today when I made back all my money and then some!

Today I set out to get Lilly an Easter dress. I have been so excited that I get to buy my little girl her first of many Easter dresses. I have been keeping my eye out for the perfect dress or at least one in her size that I think is crazy pretty. I haven't found one yet. My pit was today I went to a lot of stores and still haven't found one. I am starting to get really nervous. 

On our way home from the mall Lilly fell asleep. When she falls asleep in her seat I carry it in and put her down in her seat in her room. After a few minutes I heard Lilly start screaming. Normally when she wakes up she just makes out one little sound and I get her. I picked her up and saw that there was a tiny bit of poop coming out of her diaper. I figured she went to the bathroom and the messy diaper woke her up. I cleaned her up and changed he clothes cause one little drop got one her outfit. Later that night I went in her room to clean it up before I put her to bed I moved her car seat to the corner and then started dressing Lilly for bed. The boys came in the ask me a question and my attention went to the floor. I saw a big puddle of poop on my carpet. I looked at the boys and I looked a Lilly and I thought where the heck did that come from and how did that happen. I then realized that was where he car seat was sitting. I then looked at the seat a realized her diaper leaked more then I thought. When it leaked it perfect shot in the tiny hole where the seat belt goes and puddle of poop was probably sitting in the frame of the car seat until I moved it! I  Never wanna forget the comedy I found in the moment. Also not to forget to check for the because the whole thought of this really creeps me out.

 Eli wanted to sit in the stroller. I didn't want to put Lilly in the baby Bjorn so this was his solution. Fine by me.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Teach them

The Peak of my day was Jacob and my dad did some wonderful things for me. First they picked up the tramp at Jacob's parents house. Jacob's parents have a small tramp I have wanted to put in our front yard for the boys to play on. Second, I decided to buy that smaller dressser and make it into like a mini little mud room.section in the toy room. They were kind enough to pick up the big heavy dresser and take it to Joanna's.

I thought Jacob's working late days were behind us for a little bit but nope poor guy keeps working later and later. I hate it because I never get to see him. His kids see him even less than I do.At least he has work keeping him busy when so many other people are struggling right now. So this pit is actually a blessing too.

Every night we read the kids Scriptures with them. Right now we are reading the New Testament. This week I am reading the Easter part whihc was perfectly timed with Easter this week. I love that I am putting a focus on what is truly special about this day and not about some crazy made up bunny. I want my sons to know about the Atonment and to have a testimony of it at a very young age. I can not tell you how my heart will have so much joy if I can make this happen for them at a young age. I Never want to forget to teach teach this and keep teaching this to my children.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Childhood fun

My peak today was that I got to spend a lot of  time with Jacob. Jacob has been working a lot lately so we have not been seeing much of him it was nice to have him around.

Today was an overall wonderful day. I thought that it wasn't going to have a Pit but them I go a  migraine. Dang bugger got me right at the end of my almost perfect day. I'm not going to complain too much since it's better it happened at the end of the day.

My parents took the boys last night while Jacob and I went to dinner with some friends. While they had them they went to a ward party and Liam played freeze tag for the first time with some of the kids there. My dad kept talking about how good Liam was and how cute it was. So after Sunday dinner we as a family started playing old child hood games. We played Red rover, freeze tag, Mr. Fox, and red light green light. We has so much fun. I never want to forget how much more fun it is to get up and play with your children.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sweat Pants

Today Jacob and I got some alone time and went to the movies. Liam is 100% potty trained so now we can take him to the movies for babysitting. Jacob and I enjoyed our move and the boys had a lot of fun at the movie play place. My Peak was two fold. Being alone with Jacob and sitting back watching my boys play when they don't know I am looking.

I hate to admit it but I must. Jacob and I disagree. Sometimes it's a little nothing and we just move on. Other times we get in big fights and one our both of us gets very mad. Well I hate to say it but today was one of those days we both made each other very made. My Pit was just that. Arguing with the most important person in my life. The good news is we worked it out, and that these fights are few and far between.

I Never want to  forget Eli reminding us to be nice. Jacob and I got into our little spat in the car. While we were talking it out. Eli yelled from the back. Dad and mom be nice to each other. Geeze that kid is too smart for his own good.

This I put on instagram yesterday, but I just had to share it, because well it describes my last few days pretty well..

I'll give you one guess what I am wearing right now. Oh who am I kidding two days now...

Friday, March 22, 2013

Chocolate face

Today I made a gym appointment for 3:00pm. I know I need to work out for many reasons, but today I just wasn't feeling motivated. I made myself get there. Even when I tried to tell myself I was too busy or my kids were too tired. Then I got on the treadmill and I thought I am just going to go 3 miles however long it takes. If I just walk I am going to go 3 miles. Then I looked up a workout on pintrest and I decided I was just going to do this work out. I ended up doing this really hard work out. I loved it and I think I did a pretty good job! I am so proud of myself for pushing myself. My Peak was how good I felt after. I felt so good physically and mentally.

Today I was trying to get a lot done. Eli and Liam are very good but for some reason Eli just kept doing things I said not too. Finally he ended up hurting his brother and well I just lost it. I was so mad. I yelled at him and sent him to time our very sternly. The Pit of my day was loosing my temper. It didn't take me long to realize I should have handled it differently. Even though Eli was naughty and still needed to be disciplined I still could have done it better. I hope in the future. I will remember this and try to handle my anger better.

Never forget to keep busy.Today I was running around getting errands done, checking things off my list, playing with my kids and working out. I got a lot of things done today and I feel great about it. I was still feeling sick, but I was still able to be productive. I need to remember that I am actually the happiest when I am busy and getting things done that I need to.

Boys are camping in the backyard tonight. S'mores time.

Chocolate stach

Count Chocula. Seriously love this guy. He's always making me smile

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today I am sick. Blah super sick. Today I am not a good mom and to be honest I am only doing the bare minimum. My kids are kind of dressed, they are fed (not the best meal, but fed none the less) and the are alive. Which are the main requirements of my job today. So my peak and Pit go together. My pit if obviously being sick and still having to take care of my kids. I love them so very much, but today I really wish someone else could have watched them. My Peak was how good all my kids were for me. However Eli in particular was amazing. He was so kind to me and he would help with Lilly. If she was fussing on the floor he would pick her up and bring her to me so I wouldn't have to get up. Oh how I love that sweet boy, my sweet little helper.

Even though today I wasn't that great of a mother there were still little moment through out my day where I got one on one time with my kids. I never want to forget the memories and fun I had with each kid Lilly sat on my lap for about an hour while I talked to her, tickled her. She smiled and talked back. Liam laid in bed with me. We would talk but I mainly tickled him and teased him. We ended our play session with a little nap side by side. I could tell he was really content. There was a point where Liam and Lilly were both asleep. I read Eli a book and he asked me about of random questions. It was simple but sweet. Never forget sweet one on ones.

I also don't want to forgot that I like my cooking the best. I ordered Chinese food from a highly recommended place.I thought it was gross and had made the same dishes better.In the future even if i am feeling horrible I just need to get up and make my own egg drop soup.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Busy busy day

Today's Peak is that I have such obedient children. I wasn't feeling too good today. However I wasn't feeling so sick that I couldn't go about my day. My boys made my day so much easier by listening to me. I didn't feel like I had to get after them or really ask them more then once to do something. It really helped me out today. I am so thankful for such good children.

The Pit of my day was first thing this morning. In the wee hours of the morning Eli came in to my room and said he threw up. I cleaned him up and put him in bed with me. I didn't clean it 100% up cause I didn't want to wake up Lilly and Liam. The next morning I got out the bleach and really cleaned up everything. Thank goodness Jacob was home to help me. He has a stronger stomach and didn't dry heave once! Now I am not feeling too hot. I am wondering if it is just cause I have been cleaning up vomit or if I am getting sick too.

I Never want to forget Eli's first baseball practice. My friend Sharisa has a little boy about Eli's age. He husband invited us to join his team that he husband Rex is coaching. Eli has been practicing with his dad and is super exited. He did pretty good at practice. We did have one break down over the fact that he couldn't get water out of his water bottle. Seriously sobbing blubbering tears, but other then that. It was a hit.

Liam was also part of this memory. He is too little for this team so he couldn't practice. He was so cute just playing on the playground and in the grass. He was just this little guy roaming around the park. It was so cute. I really enjoyed watching him.

Eli's first ever baseball practice. It's a hit!

It's been a long hard trying day but we survived it...or did we?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

One Glorious day

Today we went to a spring training game here in Mesa. I was worried about going because it has been getting pretty hot here lately and we would be sitting in the sun. Since we were bringing Lilly I didn't think we would be able to have fun or even stay long. I was wrong we actually had some really nice seats in the shade. The weather was perfect and we had so much fun! Lilly even got in a little nap. My Peak of my day was that we had seats in the shade so we ended up having a good time.

My Pit is actually kind of silly but they only took cash at the game. Jacob had some cash thank goodness so we all go a hot dog, water and we had a little bit of of money left to have some cracker Jacks. Overall this really wasn't a pit, I just really wanted some lemonade. Hey life is really good when this is the pit of your day.

I Never want to forget on the drive home the boys and I were talking eating an ice cream cone. I was just living in the moment really enjoying my boys. I looked back in my review mirror and both boys smiled at me with the happiest little grins. I got teary eyed and chocked up right then. I just love them so much and I am so thankful for my family. I know I lived a charmed life and I am so very thankful for it.

Spring training game with the family. Thanks Mamo

It's not a baseball game with our hot dogs and cracker jacks.

Lilly's enjoying the game so very much.

So I haven't decided but I am pretty sure I should feel horrible for buying ice cream from this ice cream truck, but I had such good memories as a child I had too. As an adult I find them creepy.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Rocky start with a rocky ending.

I should have known today was going to be a challenge when I woke up to "mom I pooped on my blue blanket."

Today I had every intention of taking the boys to the splash pad or doing something really fun or great with them. Then my day happened and I didn't manage to make it there, but I did manage to get two friends over so they could have fun. After about an hour of playing I thought to myself what was I thinking. The boys would wrestle, throw things and every few minutes one of them walked up to me crying about something. Just went I was about to give up I decided to stop worrying about cleaning the house and play with this boys I started to give them little challenges. First was eat a flaming hot Cheetos and you get a cookie. All the boys did it and loved it except Eli he cried and freaked out. Then he finally did it. They all actually liked them and asked for more! The I challenged them to lick salt everyone did it but Merrick. I challenged them to let me hold them upside down while everyone else tickled them. The last challenge was to eat a cup of mandarins with out using your hands. Oh man this was fun to watch. The Peak of my day was when I just put my focus on these sweet boys. I think because I did. Not only did they have a better experience, but I did too.

The pit of my day actually wasn't even the poop! My pit was when I got everyone dressed out the door for boot camp. I picked up my babysitter and made it to boot camp in time. Then about 10 minutes in Lilly was screaming! I would work out then hold her on my breaks. I was falling behind. I kept trying to work out but when I held Lilly to calm her one last time I realized it was time to go when she looked up at me with sheer terror and a broken heart when she thought I was passing her to the babysitter. I still have about 15lbs to loose from being prego with Lilly. I can't stand being this large and out of shape. I am just so discouraged and fear I will never loose it.

My babysitter lives right down the street from my parents. Lilly was screaming in the car so I stopped at their house so I could calm her down. While I was there my mom made the boys dinner while I feed and put Lilly down for a little nap. After I was done feeding her my mom took Lilly so I could eat. My dad was also helping Liam and just playing and talking to the boys. My parents could tell I was drained, but they just hopped in and helped. I never want to forget how they helped me. I am so thankful to have parents so close by and willing to help.

Today I had some wild boys over. I decided to channel the their energy. This was one of their challenges I made a cup of mandarins without your hands. It was hilarious.

Hey Mom look at me! I look like Chase. (My nephew Chase always has headphones in his ears or around his neck.)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

It's a Green Green day.

 Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Today started off with my Peak which was my lesson. I worked really hard on the lesson. I felt like I was prepared and that I had a love a desire to teach this lesson. I was a little nervous I had to much stuff and thus I would seem like I was skipping around and the lesson wouldn't go smoothly. However I think the lesson. Went perfectly. I feel like I shared everything I wanted too, and I feel like a few things came to me as I was teaching the lesson. Overall I know the women heard me. I know they knew I had a testimony of what I was teaching, and I know the spirit was there. After my lesson before I song I heard a lot of people whispering to each other saying what a great lesson it was, and that I was a great teacher. I felt wonderful. Then after the prayer several women came up to me and said they loved it. One elderly women who I admire came up to me with tears in her eyes and told me it was the best lesson she ever had. After that I was soaring. It was a good day.

The only thing that was rough about today was getting up. I have been so tired lately. Lilly is a good baby. However she has started this new thing where at her second feeding she doesn't go back to sleep right away. I am always up for about two hours and it has started to take a toll on me. So the Pit  for me today was feeling so tired. Thank goodness it was Sunday and good old Jacob let me get a nice hour nap.

After we all got a little nap we hoped in our bikes and went to the park. I left my phone at the house (on purpose) and just enjoyed being at the park with my family. Jacob was helping Eli with baseball and I held Lilly and followed Liam around. I loved listening to him have fun. I loved seeing his joy and best of all Lilly thought he was so funny playing she kept belling laughing the whole time. I also got to watch Eli and Jacob working and playing together. That was an adventure in itself teaching a 4 year old to safely use a bat! On top off all this the weather was beautiful. It was perfect actually. Not too hot. Not too cold and it had a nice breeze. I Never want to forget that is how you enjoy the park. Leave the electronics at home and enjoy your family. Be in the moment!

p.s one more thing I don't want to forget is how excited Eli was for this day. Also he was very concerned that everything was going to get pinched because it had no green on. He went around saying things like our door needs a green sticker or it's gong to get pinched.

St. Patrick's Day tradition green eggs and ham.

Happy St. Patrick's day from little miss Lilly.

The finished project before relief society. Boys helped with all 45 of them. I think they turned out pretty cute. My lesson I felt went excellent as well.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Kept moving and good things happened.

Today was another wonderful day. Jacob and I got a lot done and spent a lot of time with the kids. After spending several hours at the park with the boys (Jacob mainly I was home feeding Lilly) We headed to the Mesa art center for a free Dino show. This was almost the pit of my day because I thought it started at 1:30 so we planned everything perfectly for a 1:30 showing. All the sudden I had a feeling started at 1 o'clock. We looked it up and sure enough it started at one. I freaked drove there a little to fast and Jacob dropped the boys and I off while he parked. We ended up getting there right as it was starting! PHEW we were so lucky! I was also really lucky a man was saving seat and the people didn't show so he let us sit there! So we were also super close. This was the Peak of my day. I had  wonderful time at the show and so did everyone else. The kids loved it. Eli was terrified of the Trex. Liam loved it and after the show kept talking telling me all about it. Lilly was happy and I kept her out of the sun nicely. It worked out perfectly.

The only Pit  I can think of is there just wasn't enough hours today. We tried to fit in so much. I loved being busy and getting things done I just didn't like feeling stressed like we couldn't fit it all. However we did and it was great. We cleaned house, played at the park, grocery shopped, went to the Dino show, Jacob got a 2 hour massage, we visited my parents, make 50 cup cakes for relief society and went on a date. That's just some of the things. It was a fun day just busy!

I have the relief society lesson tomorrow and I have just loved this entire lesson. I am so excited to teach tomorrow however I am worried I love it too much and I am prepared a little too much. I have a lot of stuff and I am just worried I won't have enough time. I have a list of what I want the women to learn and what I think is most important depending how much time we have. This lesson is about getting a little better day by day it is a wonderful topic. Some key things I never want to forget is: I am a child of god. I have been given tools to help me become perfect. I have also been given spiritual gift and I can acquire more of them (that part really excites me)

Lilly got her first feeding of rice cereal today. Pretty sure she wasn't a fan but she was very curious.

I have the Relief Society lesson tomorrow. I always like to bring treats. I thought why not kill two bird with one stone and do a St. Patrick's day activity with the boys too. They loved it.

This instagram was from Jacob's phone. He wrote...boys were scared out of their minds by a dinosaur this afternoon.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Forever sounds nice.

Today's Peak was this afternoon. Jacob's work got some tickets to the Diamondback's game and Jacob took Eli. Liam and I had some alone time then Liam and Lilly took a nap. While they both were sleeping I sat down and took some time to work on my Relief society lesson alone. there were no interruptions and it was so quiet. It was wonderful. Plus the lesson topic is amazing so I was really really enjoying myself.

After the game Jacob and Eli wanted us to meet up at Bass Pro shop. Whenever we are there Jacob turns into a kid in the candy shop. It's funny but also scary. He wants to buy everything. We shopped for a while then we had dinner down in the restaurant. This was the start of the Pit of my day. Blah I really don't like that place. We had the boys try calamari which they actually loved. However that was the only good thing about the meal. Lilly was tired so Jacob and I didn't get to eat together. Also in my opinion the food is sub par so it wasn't even good. 

 I never want to forget this morning when I woke up Eli came up to me very excited and said,"Mom did you know that if we are good and make good choices we can live FOREVER!" He continued, " Last night while Dad was reading us our scriptures that is what they said. They said we could live forever!" It was such a sweet story and it brought him a lot of joy. I also think he probably thought about it all night. Sometimes we think they are not listening but they are they are little sponges.

Eli and Liam are rarely apart. Today Eli went with Jacob to a baseball game. This is them reunited at Bass Pro shop after only a few hours of separation.

Liam found lots of cowboy stuff. he galloped up to me riding his horse. He said, "Mommy cowboys need their guns!"

Lili's 4 month check up

Yesterday Lili went in for her 4 month check up. Since I wrote so much yesterday I thought I would do my own separate post of this even since it was huge in her little life.

Lili's current stats are:
Weight: 11lbs 10 oz 25th%tile
Height 25.25in 50%tile
head: 16 50th%tile

I didn't need to get these stats to know the Lili is completely different then my boys. She is super tiny running on the petite side. I'm curious if she will even be tiny like Jacob's mother. Then here had is 50% which isn't large but when the boys were so big and they were 10%, and Lili so small in a larger percent it's just funny. Lilia is a complete and utter joy in our home. These are Lili's milestones as of right now
  • She can roll over half way. She can go from tummy to back, but not the other way...just yet
  • I fell ike all she does all day is look at her brothers and smile and laugh. She is a happy little girl and has caught on we enjoy her smile. So she does it often.
  • She can now grab things, and has a very strong grip sometimes I'm shocked at how hard it is to take something from her.
  • She now will follow things with her eyes and watch me move around the room
  • Lilia has a very high interest in food. She seems very curious with what I have and she ALWAYS is trying to get her paws on it.
  • When she is sleeping she does the cute thing where she wraps her arms while she is sleeping. It's almost like she is hugging herself.
  • This is my first official binky baby. I'm not going to lie at this stage a binky is pretty nice. It comforts her and she is much better about keeping it in.
  • She plays well with toys and that's nice so I can get somethings done and spend time with the boys.
  • Lili will wake up in the morning and just sit and play in her crib. Geeze it's a amazing and nice so I can get a few more minutes sleep before the boys get moving.
We love this little girl and we are so every thankful to have her as an addition to our family. It just keeps getting better and better.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Live to be great. Live to your potential. Love the truth

The peak of my day happened at nearly the end of the day. A few weeks ago my best friend Sharisa called me and asked me if I wanted to sign up Eli for Tee ball. Her husband was going to be coaching a team for her for her son Eli's age. I of course loved the idea and signed Eli up right away. I received an e-mail from Sharisa telling us when or practices were and things like that. In the e-mail it mentioned if you have a bat please bring it. I asked Jacob since it was our first child if we should buy a bat. He of course thought we should and so last night we set out to get Eli everything he needed. We went to Sports Authority and Jacob started to pick out everything. He got very seriously about what glove to get, he was looking at bats, and he also felt Eli could use a baseball shirt. It was so cute seeing Jacob be so excited. Ever since our children have been born Jacob has talked about how excited he was to do things with his children like this. Jacob loves all his children very much but he isn't get with the baby phase (his words not mine) now that Eli is getting older he is doing all the stuff Jacob has dreamed about doing. He was so excited and happy last night. I really enjoyed watching Jacob enter this new phase in his life.

The pit of my day was at the very beginning of my day. Lilly just turned four month and thus it was time for a well check. When you baby is so young well checks are fun because you get to see how much they have grown, but they are actually horrible because that also means your sweet little baby will be getting shots. Lilly in particular breaks my heart. The boys would get their shots and be fine as soon as I picked them up. Sometimes they wouldn't even cry until the 2nd shot and other times I wondered if they were more made someone was holding their leg down. Lilly on the other hand is not like that. Shots are the end of the world she cries from the very beginning and for a few seconds after. It was absolutely heart breaking. Even the boys were so sad. On a side not Lilly is doing great just a little skinny. Also when Lilly was getting her shots the boys were very concerned and tried very hard to be supportive for her.

I often catch myself thinking how very very lucky I am to have married into such a wonderful family. I love all my in laws and I love Linda and Cecil like a mother and father. The Ash's are excellent parents. Jacob says his parents are always teaching him to show him how much they love him. (he says that's one of the love languages left out of the book 5 language of love) Any way as I was getting into my bed I heard my phone get an e-mail I saw Cecil had sent an e-mail out to all of us. This e-mail was absolutely fabulous and I really enjoyed it. I hope he doesn't mind my putting it here, but the e-mail read...

I just got home from high council meeting.  I am very impressed with the men with whom I serve. I want to say something to you all. 

When Elder Packer (as an Assistant to the Twelve) came to the France Mission in 1969 or so, I remember him referring to Pres. Marion G. Romney, who was then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve.  Elder Packer said of then Elder Romney,  "He's a man among the men he's among!"  I remember thinking, "and he's in a pretty significant group of men."

Well, tonight I want to tell you about my stake president (of the YSA stake).  His name is Barry Smith.  And he is a man among the men he's among.  He was released in 2011 as the Dallas, TX mission president.  Before his mission, he was in private equities, but mostly in the medical field (administration -- not physician).  A couple weeks ago at a stake priesthood meeting, he was speaking about being with us (on a Sunday night), and the previous Thursday and Friday evenings he had spent with the Governors of the 50 states at banquets.  (The point he was making was that he enjoyed us just as much, and had as much or more respect for us.)

I told your mom that evening, "he was at some kind of meeting in Washington, DC, but I don't know what is was."  Tonight I learned that he is the CEO of Magellen Health Services, Inc.  They are the principal provider of mental health and pharmaceutical services for the Medicaid population in 26 states.  His home is in Paradise Valley, but his office is in Avon, CT.  He flies there in the company jet each Monday, spends two or three days on the east coast, flies all over the country, etc.  But comes home to be the stake president on the weekends, and is generally (but not always) here every 2nd and 4th Thursday for high council.  Tomorrow he's on the west coast.  He's a man (like Romney) of extraordinary capabilities and charisma).  He did not campaign to be CEO, but was on Magellan's board, and was asked by the board to take over January 1. 

I believe he would tell you, as I tell you, that the foundation of his success in life is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  For my children who ever waver in your convictions about the Church, I want you to remember that there are some very, very outstanding people of supernal talent who are convinced of the truthfulness of the gospel, who have the intellect, the integrity, and the capability to discern a sham if they see one, and this Church is true beyond any doubt.  I've heard some Catholic bishops speak (at the UN) who are great intellectuals, and some protestant ministers who are very talented, who have tremendous testimonies of Jesus Christ.  I love them for their contributions to the faith of so many.  But it is not the same as knowing that the Church of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth, and is here being led by a prophet and twelve apostles.

However, my second thought this evening was this:  I'm 64 and I believe I will leave this life having sold myself short.  I will not have accomplished all that I might have done.  You are still young enough to not limit yourselves.  I want you all to become "men (or women) among the men (or women) you're among."   Do not limit yourselves.  I know that you have the talent and abilities to be all that the Lord designed you to be.  You will need to be four things -- as I've told you before:  (1) honest, (2) hard working, (3) kind, and (4) obedient.  But the foundation of everything is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I hope you all read Elder Callister's article that Daniel sent to us.  The world needs to know that single, undeniable truth.  But each of us needs to live by that truth.  It will propel us to be greater than we've ever conceived. 

I love you all.  We pray for you every day.  Live to be great.  Live to your potential.  Love the truth.  One of my favorite scriptures over the last several years, 
Job 13:15, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him."

I never want to forget the lessons that come from my parents (all of them). I am so lucky to have such loving smart people around me pushing me to be what I have the potential to be.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Be there

These little knees just turned four months today. I love these little legs.

My friend Charlotte invited a bunch of old friends to meet at the park today for a get together and play date. I decided this is something I should do and I took my kids. While I was there I saw old friends all they way back to Elementary school all the way to high school. We stayed and played at the park for a while then a few of us went and got lunch with the kiddos. It was so much fun. The Peak of my day was realizing how blessed I have been to have such wonderful people in my life through out my life.

The Pit of my day goes with the above park story. It was very hard for me to get the kids and myself dressed and ready to go today for some reason. It may have something to do with the fact that Jacob and I had a disagreement that put me in a sour mood or my kids were just plan wild. Either way I just couldn't get them to get dressed and in the car. I finally lost it and kind of yelled at them. We ended up leaving late and I was driving around thinking I shouldn't go. I ended up calling Jacob and we had a really good conversation. We smoothed out everything between us and he said your day will get better. He said, "say a prayer right now and still go to the park." You can still have a good day.  I did just that. After I said my prayer I quickly remembered that I promised to find joy all week. So I decided to do just that, be happy no matter what. 

Now this whole post as been a I never want to forget post. I never want to forget the great friends I have been blessed with my whole life, I never want to forget how wonderful my husband is and how much he helps me. I never want to forget that my prayers are always answered, and I never want to forget that I can always find joy. However I still have one more I would like to add. I visit teach one of my favorite people in the ward. Her name is Lisa Hatrup. We went to dinner last night and had a wonderful time. I love talking to her. She is so honest, she is so smart, and she is kind. We had wonderful conversations about a lot of different thing. One thing Lisa said to me was that sometimes it's hard for her because she is divorced and sometimes she feel like she is fighting battles on her own. Now Lisa is never alone. I know that and she knows that, but she is right. It is harder when you spouse isn't there. With this thought I never want to forget to always be there for Lisa and anyone else for that matter.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Push yourself

I think someone with no teeth is working on trying to get some.

The Peak of my day however sad this may sound was that the boys went to bed at 7:30. Jacob has been working late a lot this week so it has just been 100% me. The boys were really tired and went to bed early with the fuss. It was so nice to have a few hours to myself.

The Pit of my day is actually a new thing Lilly has been doing. Ever since she was born Lilly has been a perfect angel at night. She has always slept for long stretches and after nursing she goes right back to sleep. Lately in her night feeding she will stay wide awake. This keeps me up for about two hours including her feeding time. It is starting to wear me down and I gotta make it stop!

Today I went to hot yoga. I really enjoy it. I never thought this was something I would enjoy so much but I really do. I am not very flexible and my balance I would say is so so. While I was pregnant with Lilly my Dr didn't want me to do it so I have not done yoga in a very long time. I have just been getting into the shape so boot camp and yoga are pretty hard for me still. Today at yoga I was feeling extra tired and drained and I thought about resting during this one part until I built my strength back up. I ended deciding to just try and do the best I could. (side not this particular flow was hard for me before I got pregnant so it was going to be very hard to balance.) I did the whole flow and I actually think I did the best I have ever done! When I was done I was so proud of myself. I never want to forget that I should ALWAYS be pushing myself. You never know what you can accomplish when you are working hardest.

Monday, March 11, 2013

A little one on one

Instragram post for today...
 Eli and Liam are playing bandit this morning. Insert Maniacal laugh here. I guess they  are letting Marley play too. Ps. just before this picture Eli told me he shot Marley with his Nerf gun and it didn't even hurt him. Liam also asked if he could pet baby sister. Yes Pet her.

Today I had to go to Hobby Lobby to grab a few things. While I was there the peak of my day happened. As we were walking in the boys noticed a flower had fallen out of it's pot and onto the ground. I told them not to worry about it and reminded them to keep up with me. As I am walking I hear Eli behind me say but mom we are missing a chance for service. I stopped told him he was right and to go put it away. When he came back I thanked him for the reminder to serve. As we were leaving we were about to step off the side walk when I saw a car. I said to Eli to stop cause a car was coming. Lilly was in the baby Bjorn and Liam was in the cart. Eli stopped but the cart moved a little down the ramp. Eli thought it was going in the street and grabbed the cart with all his might. I told Eli he saved the day just like a real super hero. For the record I was holding the cart but he didn't change his brave action.

The Pit of my day was boot camp, but not for why you would think. I actually totally love working out. I love the pain I love how you feel and I enjoy it all round. However recently I have been struggling for several reasons. First I couldn't work out while I was pregnant with Lilly so not only do I have A LOT of weight to loose, but I am way behind where I was. I get really frustrated at how week I currently am. I also get frustrated because just to make it to the gym takes a lot of work. I have to make sure Lilly is fed or has a bottle boy are dressed, babysitter set up and picked up. Then while I am working out they can get in my way Lilly could be screaming so I don't get to rest and little things like that. I just keep telling myself not to give up. Keep working on bettering myself. Plus one day my kids will be grown and I will miss this stage. So I will servive this and I WILL be happy every step of the way.

Today while I went to boot camp Liam went with his dad to the gym, Lilly with my mother, and Eli wanted to come with me. On the way there Eli and I talked. While I worked out Eli did everything with us and was really cute and funny the whole time. On the way home we talked a little more. I thought to myself it's so nice to have this one on one time with Eli. I am with him all day, but sometimes I am distracted by what I have to do, our taking care of the other children  I don't get to enjoy my children individually.  I never want to forget to make plans for one on one time with my children. I think this will help them know how much I love them, and it will also help me get to know each of them very well. Setting me up as their mother, but someone who is also their friend.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Be happy and have Joy

My photos on instagram.

Today we didn't take naps. Poor Liam wore out and passed out on the Gilmore's couch like this. Poor kid.

The Peak of my day is hard to pin point because today was such a good day however today I was really proud of Liam. He is such a well behaved boy a church and I get told that ALL the time. He listens he sings he shares and he is kind. Today I also made him a bow tie and he was super proud of that he really showed it off. I am bummed I didn't take a picture...maybe next week.

The Pit of my day was during scripture study. I know that sounds really weird so hear me out. Today when I was readying to the boys it was about the 2nd coming. I thought this section would excited the boys however when I read it Eli totally freaked out. He was so scared and I just couldn't calm him down. I tried to explain it's a good thing, that we will be so happy and be a family forever but it just didn't calm him down. He was sobbing. Not fake sobbing but legit not able to talk blubbering mess. I finally called in the big gun (Jacob) to save the day. Jacob came in and talked to him. He really calmed him down and he is okay. I think he is still a little worried, but all in all Jacob really helped calm the kid down. Phew so thankful for my wonderful hubby.

I never want to forget what I learned a church today. I have to be honest sometimes at church I have a hard time focusing (who doesn't) today I would catch bits and pieces of the lessons and each piece I caught I felt like was directed right at me. I just kept hearing phrases like Be happy, have no fear, and another great word like have joy. I just felt like the lord was telling me to always be happy and be thankful for every minute and every second and just enjoy this moment. I am going to really try this whole week to only have complete joy and happiness. May it be totally contagious.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chicken and Waffles??

Instagram of the day
On a date with my man at Lo Lo's Chicken and waffles. Loving the Kool aid.

The Peak of my day had to be the all the fun time I got to spend with my other half. I am married to one awesome guy. We went to the gym and had some fun playing racketball then later we went on a date to Lo Lo's chicken and waffles. We ate some good old southern food like Grits, greens, fried chicken, and corn bread. Oh and Lots of Kool Aid. I haven't had that stuff since I was a kid. 

The Pit of my day was probably that the day just went way too fast. Luckily we got a lot done and that is always good, but it just seemed like before I knew it that day way over. Maybe if we were more organized it would go more smoothly?

I never want to forget how much fun I have with my sister. The Gilmore's are leaving for Hawaii this week and she needed some help getting some odds and ends for her trip. I went with her to the mall this morning and I just enjoyed spending time with her. I am so lucky to have a sister, but I am extra lucky to have such an awesome one.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Wildly Windy

Instagrams for today...
Last night was a very rough night between Liam and Lilly I think I was up almost all night. Liam kept coughing so I made him honey water. I swear He sleep walks/cries. I couldn't get him to drink it so I did this. An hour later I came back he was still like this taking little sips.

I took a shower and i asked the boys to watch Lilly. While I was in there she started crying. The boys ran into tell me they were gonna pick her up. About 30 seconds later they said it's okay mom she just wanted to lay down on the ground. When i got out of the shower she was watching a show with them. P.S When I got in the shower Eli was dressed too.

It's 10:30 here in Arizona and miss Lilly la roue just woke up! Why is my two year old giving me a harder time then my 3 month old.

The Peak of my day had to be when Alexus came over. She originally was going to watch the kids while I went to yoga, but she got out of school late so I missed my class. I figured she was still here so I used her to watch the kids while I caught up on a few things that I have fallen behind on.

The Pit was when Jacob called me late in the afternoon. He was having a bad day at work, and I just hate it when Jacob is unhappy.

It was really really windy today. Actually the weather was just down right crazy! Eli and Liam were playing across the street at their friend Izzy's house. I went over there to get them for dinner and as we were headed back the weather got even more crazy. I never want to forget all the funny craziness that followed. I had an umbrella that Liam wanted I handed it to him and the wind picked up so much it started to pull Liam and the umbrella. I took the umbrella from Liam. It was at the moment Liam seemed to be nervous about the weather and took of bolting across the street. I look over at Eli had he is running while what seems to be thoughts of leaves swirling around him. I check back again at Liam who is running just as fast as he can and his pants are falling off his bottom. The poor boy is trying to decided if he should slow down to pull them up or just keep going. I know I am not doing this memory justice. I just hope I can keep this visual picture in my head it was a really, funny, fun, crazy, wild moment.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Up, up and then crashing down

Today's instagram posts...
We had guests at family prayer this morning. This prayer took a little longer then usual because mom and dad couldn't stop laughing. Also Ironman's gun kept going off when his arms were folded.

There are many things I need to do in order for me to feel like a successful, good mother. One of those things is teaching my children a love of books and a thirst for knowledge. So far so good.

The Peak of my day was hard to pick today but I would have to say it was getting my carpets cleaned. When I woke up I had a lot to do before Brady got here at 1:00pm. I got up and just kept checking things off my list. I finished just before Brady got here and I got even more done while he was here. I just love getting everything on my list done. 

My day was so good that at 7:00pm I was wondering what I was even going to write for my Pit for today. Then at 7:30 I went to get the boys out of the bath and everything came crashing down. I looked both the boys in the eye when I put them in and I told them not to splash and make a mess, and I told them not to play with all the soaps. Last time they got it everywhere and it was a huge soapy mess. Anyway while I was feeding Lilia the boys did just that! When I walked in the bathroom and saw what they had done, and thier little bodies covered with a think layer of soap I just lost it! I was so mad. I had to yell at them, and punish them. I hated every second of it. I sincerely dislike turning into mad, yelling mommy.

The rest of this story brings me to my I never want to forget part. As I was getting the boys ready for bed they were crying. I talked to them about what happened, and how it made me feel. I told them that I hated yelling at them, but that I had to because if I didn't teach them right from wrong that I wasn't doing my job as a mother. Liam was listening very carefully and you could tell Eli was pondering this too. Then Eli said, "Mom sometimes were forget about Jesus, and we makes mistakes." I told Eli he was right that happens but even adults do the same thing we forget about Jesus and we make mistakes.  I told him it was okay and I also told him that is why Jesus died so that we can make these mistakes and repent. That is the beautiful thing that Jesus did for us. Eli then said to me, " Mom I am very sorry for my mistake." I was so thankful that this bad experience turn into a teaching moment for both of us!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pretty Day

Today was a beautiful day so we headed to the zoo. I posted the following picture on Instagram.


Beautiful day out so this beauty, her two brothers and I are headed to the zoo.
The peak of my day was when Jacob was able to leave work and join us. Jacob works so hard so it is nice when we are able to steal some extra time with him.

The pit was when I came home from the zoo and Marley pooped all over in my garage. Then it got worse when he pooped all over in the boys room. Blah it smelled so bad and I thought I was going to die. Jacob was a doll and came home from work just to clean it up making another peak in my day.

I never want to forget.The first is at the zoo Eli wanted to look through a telescope thing at the animals. I told him that if he did some chores I would pay him. Then after paying tithing the next time he could come with his own money and look in the telescope. He was excited about this then a few minutes later he came up to me and said that he changed his mind. He would still work and pay his tithing but he wanted to use the money for our new big house. He melts my heart with the sweet things he does.

Today was  GREAT day!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Loosing my Mind

Today was so crazy I may have lost my mind.

The peak of my day finally getting to the gym. Jacob put together a pass for me and the children at lifetime fitness. Today was the first day I made an appointment for Lilly and got in an excellent work out. My day is always good when I get in a good work out.

Now for the pit I wonder where to start. Maybe it was when I forgot to make it to the dentist appointment so I rushed out of Costco (while I was in the line to check out...I was almost done!) Only to be told I was too late. Or maybe the pit was when I called to move around my gym appointment to make the later Dr's appointment only to realize at 4:30 pm I called the Tempe location and almost lost my appointment at the Gilbert location. Good thing I text Alexus and told her we were coming or I wouldn't have gotten to work out.Today I ran around all day like a chicken with it's head cut off!

I never want to forget that when we got home from the gym I was starving so I fed the boys, then as I was feeding Lilly Jacob came in and said it was our wards night to clean the church and that he thought the boys should come with him and do this service. Soon after leaving Jacob called and said there was only two other people there and that I needed to come down and help. I still hadn't eaten, but I grabbed Lilly and went to the church. By now it was 7:30 Lilly was fussy and tired so she wouldn't let me put her down. I just held her and found all the jobs that could be done one handed. The church was clean before we knew it and I even stayed till the end. Eli and Liam worked so hard and kept asking what else they could do. They wanted to serve and they wanted to work hard. They did that and so did Jacob and I. I know the lord blessed us because it was a really good experience and I am glad that I decided to come with Lilly even though I was tired, hungry and saying Lilly was tired was a good enough excuse not to go.