Today's peak was that I readjusted some spots in my life that I felt like I was failing. I did school with each boy. I think they progress and I think I kept my patience pretty good. Both boys are very bright and learn a different ways. At moments like this I wish that I went to school to be a teacher or something. Eli is working hard on his letters and Liam is working on colors and patterns. I also spent some one on one time with each child. I'm currently reading how to win friends and influence people. Jacob has been wanting me to read it forever so I feel like I am making him happy by doing this.
My pit was how homeless we all looked. I dressed my kids then somehow all day they were in their underwear! I had spilt food all over me and I never really got my makeup done..we were all a hot mess.
I never want to forget how much happier my kids are when I do more structure and routine. Maybe it's because I am happier but Eli and Liam seem to do so much better. I also never want to forget how funny they are when they play together. They have such fun imaginations and when the are cowboys, super hero or knights it's always fun to hear about their adventures. Liam and Eli walked up to me today and said mom hurry leave this room. I just threw and grenade and it's about to explode.
Had to get a picture of the boys playing this morning. Liam has a knife and a gun in his underoos and Eli is blowing out his gun after shooting the bad guy. He said he learned that from Papa's westerns. Oh ya and the trophy and Lilly are always near by.
Sometimes I wish I was a 3 year old and I could take a nap wearing my ninja costume with cheesz its on my chest. Just cause I felt like it.
Excuse me ice cream truck please stop for one boy in his underroos and a power ranger. Not pictured a lady holding a baby wearing only her diaper.
Eli walked up to me handed me Jacob's scriptures and said, "mom read your scriptures!" I said, "Sure right after I finish this." To which he replied, "NO more read them now! They are very important!" Guess what I am now doing.
Liam taking a turn holding Soul
Went to the Gilmore's yesterday. Eli and Soul just chillin
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