Monday, August 5, 2013

Funny boys

My peak today was we went to my parents house for FHE. My poor dad still feels horrible but he joined in the lesson and everything. We did a lesson on obedience I told the story of little red riding hood with puppets then we played Simon says. I think it went well. Hopefully Eli does better at church this week. 

My pit today was Eli was making back choices Liam was making good ones. Liam was thing to talk Eli into making a good choice but instead Eli grabbed Liam and threw him to the ground. I saw the whole thing and had to punish Eli. Eli is such a good kid I'm hoping this stage of life is very short lived. 

I never want to forget how funny Liam has been the past few days. 

Yesterday we took the boys scorpions hunting. Jacob found one on the ground and so Liam runs over to see it. He is screaming and waving his bat ready to kill this thing. As he gets close he trips and falls right on top of the scorpion. We all freak out screaming. Somehow he doesn't get stung and Jacob still kills it in time. Then we all realize how funny it was.

I recently heard about a group going door to door to see what kids you have home and them targeting you. I don't know if this is true but I'd rather be safe then sorry so I told the boys they can no longer answer the door or go out front with out an adult right next to them. Today Eli ran across the street. He must of thought it was fine because he knew I was standing there. I watched Liam stop and think about it for  then run in grab a toy then run outside. As he is crossing the street I yell for the two boys to come back. Liam turns around and starts explaining himself. Saying, "mom it's okay. I have my sword just in case the bad man comes I will fight him."

Guess who learned the floors can be dangerous when mommy is mopping.
I finally gave in and let my kids rent one of these animals at the mall. They road around like this for an hour.

Today I learned something new. Birds can swim. This poor guy got stuck on our pool under the net. It took a while for the boys and I to free it. Then once it's wings dried it flew away.

This little boy has been craking us up latley with all his funny stories. Today he told me it was okay to be out front by himself because he had his sword and he could protect himself from the bad man.

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