Monday, July 8, 2013


Today's peak was I started my diet. Normally I always say I'm going to start it and don't. Well today I did it!

My pit was a bad one. I was watching a show and Eli came in he kept just randomly talking or asking questions. I did good for a while them I kind of blew up (just a little) and told him to be quiet.i I felt awful I never want my kids to feel like they can't talk to me. 

I never want to forget that my children are so important. A good relationship with them is so important. I need to keep that at the front of my mind. NOTHING else is more important.

I know I'm biased but I know I'm not the only one who thinks my kids are hilarious. Who doesn't wear a beanie in AZ in July and their shoes on the wrong feet, while dancing in the halls at the gym

 Is it obvious little girl has big brothers? This is her toy of choice today.

I went to get the littliest from her nap. I opened the door to her room and found this...Jacob it's time to lower the crib ASAP.

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