Thursday, August 22, 2013

One funny moment

I don't remember much from today however I do remember one funny thing Eli did and said that I never want to forget. Liam was thristy and the two boys ride in the third row. I told Liam he needed to wait because I couldn't get water to him. Eli quickly had a solution to the problem and yells to me, "Mom throw it to me sometimes I played out field.I can catch it." So I took the water bottle tossed it to me. He caught it and gave it to his brother. This has now become our way of passing things around the car.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Chase

Peak Jacob to the rescue. Jacob saves me a lot. He is my rock and sometimes I forget that. I'm lucky he is there for me.

Today I had two pits. First I was teaching Eli and I lost my! My second pit was I got a call from my mom telling me that Lee and Lori got into a fight last night and Lee got arrested. I see my brother spiraling out of control. I feel so helpless. I want to help him, but I know I can't help someone who doesn't want my help.

Never forgot nothing is promised. I can't take days for granted. I need to love those around me. Cherish every moment and live for today, but I am aware right now that tomorrow isn't always promised.

Today was Chase's birthday. We celebrated by joining him for dinner at Blue wasabi. Liam stole Steph's edemame.
Eli is my little sushi lover. He ate a whole California roll all by himself.

Mamo bought Lilly her first Teddy bear. She has been hugging it and blowing raspberries. I think she likes it.

New Toothbrushes tonight. They glow until your done brushing. Eli is in the dark dancing. Whatever floats his boat. He lasted the whole two minutes too.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Today's peak was a lot of things I can't pick one. Very productive morning Liam and the lifetime slide. I bought the boys a knight toy each and they played with them all day.  No TV no media for my children all day not even for a second and I loved it. We took the boys swimming I let Jacob take Lilly for a second and I played with the boys. I know I am a fun mom, but I think my kids forget that because mom is always taking care of the baby.  It was nice to be able to just run and chase after the boys.

As well as a lot of Peaks I also had a few pits. My Pit was no one would take their naps and I lost my temper. I also was Grumpy about going to the  pool with Jacob. Then to top it all off Lilly got shots during her 9 month check up. She was heart broken.

I never want to forget Eli's cried about Jacob going to school but was find with him going to work. I guess it is only okay for dad to be away from us when he is at work.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Staying busy

My peak of my day was at the end of the day. I was trying to put Lilly down and the boys kept coming in and waking her up just was I was about to put her in her crib. Finally I had to just lay her down for a second because I knew she just needed to cry a bit. I told the boys they needed to stop coming in because the longer it took me to put her to bed the less time we had to play our game together. I went in my bedroom to do something for a second and I hear Eli Singing rock a by baby. I figured they were in there keeping her up. A few seconds later Eli walks in and says I did it mom I did it. I put Lilly to sleep! He said he stood out side her door and sang until she stopped crying. He did actually do it she didn't cry anymore and was asleep. I often wonder why I am so lucky that I can discipline my little boys (honestly probably shouldn't have even done it) and they go and do something so sweet like that.

My pit was probably just loosing my temper with the boys. I have noticed lately that I am shorter with them. I wonder if I do it because I feel like they are older and should know better by now or if I am just grumpy. Whatever it isn't okay. I hate that I do that to them. They are wonderful children and every second of everyday is better because of them and when I yell at them I am not teaching them that.

I never want to forget the funny things the boys did today. They get together and play these super hero fight the bad guy, good guys verse the bad guys like all day long. Tonight the toy room was all picked up and Liam walks into Lilly's room where Eli is watching me get Lilly ready for bed. He starts talking and talking and telling this really elaborate story and then at the end looks at Eli and says, "Remember that game Eli. Remember it? Lets go play it?" Eli looked straight at me like that the heck and said to Liam, "Heck no?" To which Liam replied, "Heck Yes!" This went on a for a few minutes. I died!
Liam feel asleep on a book and Eli fell asleep on Marley. Totally normal...for our house.
My attempt at keeping the TV off..I froze some of the boys and Lilly's toys in ice. I told the boys that the bad man took them prisonor and they could only save them with their water guns.

Super Hero Eli and Super hero Liam to the rescue. Lilly not really the best place to decide to stop.

Our own world

I had the boys clean up the toy room. I came in and checked it looked good. A few minutes later I came back and found this! THEY ARE REAL!!

With all the back to school pictures it feels weird because I feel like our summer just got its second wind. Viva Summer!

Everyone keeps posting pictures of their kids going back to school. Eli's school starts later so I have got to enjoy having a random do as I want schedule for a little longer. Eli's stitches and glue just feel out so we are happy to be swimming and enjoying the sun again.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Growing up

When I cut a watermelon my boys sit in front of me and eat it almost as fast as I cut it. (Another thing learned from Papa) Eli found a seed and was concerned he would grow a melon in his tummy. After talking about how a seed needs light and water we decided a watermelon couldn't grow in there.After thinking about this Eli while picking up his shirt said, "check it out baby a hole!" Pointing to his belly button. He was determined to find a way to grow it in his belly.
We have been going a little crazy since we can't swim or go in the sun due to Eli's injury. We got up early and played with the hose and tramp this morning. It was actually beautiful.
This is a reenactment because some moments you just can't catch on camera but you want to remember the story. I informed the boys they clogged the toilet and asked who was going to help me. Eli happily said yes and Liam wanting to choose the right said yes while he face palmed. It was so funny.

The ravioli didn't see this girl coming. She gobbled it up and made a nice mess.

Today's peak was that we took advantage of the nice weather this morning and jumped our front. We have felt a little like caged rats because of Eli's head. It was so nice and fun to be ourside. I really want our family to be outside all the time. Honestly I think that would be the best!

My pit was the toilot got plugged while Jacob was a work. I tried to get him to come home and take care of it. I even expalined to him that this is one of the reason women get married. So they don't have to do that or change tires EVER! He said he was very sorry but work was too crazy. I did it it was hard. I dry heaved I almost threw up. The boys did the same thing and screamed, but we did it!

I never want to forget how much fun I have with my family. I think my kids are adorable and hilarious and I think Jacob is my best friend. He is always trying to make me better...which sometimes drives me crazy, but I am very thankful that he is always trying to help me be a better person.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Trying to be happy when you want to be sad.

 I thought today was going to be a failure. I totally wanted to catch up on our finances. I hadn't reconciled our account since January and I was feeling a lot of stress about it. Lilly wouldn't nap and my morning was crazy. However somehow I don't know how but somehow I did it. I reconciled all the way to JULY! I was so proud and so happy. It was my peak finally getting the stress done and taken care of. Then to top it of and to kind of celebrate I took the kids to Oregano's. They were so cute and funny there. I thought today was going to be a horrible day and it ended up being amazing!

We have been waiting a month for my dad to go to Tucson and find out if he can receive or last hope for treatment or cure for his cancer. Actually anything maybe even buy us just a little bit more time with him. What we got was the opposite. We were told just how bad it was ( basically each Dr says it's just getting wore and worse) and then we were told it was time for manage care. I didn't got to Tucson with my family so I got calls from my mom and my sister who just sounded so broken and sad. My pit today was all of this. Today was heart breaking. Absolutely heart breaking.

I Never forget Lilly huge belly laugh. Most baby's just laugh and laugh. Not Lilly! She is a very happy baby but she doesn't really ever laugh. She does the funny little grunt but never a deep real laugh. Well tonight while we were swimming Lilly did it. She did this cute girly belly laugh it was really and I just loved it. 

Mommy had a craving so according to Eli we went to Puzookie land. Ps Lilly's is crying because I walked away and she wanted more. She totally freaked out.
I looked over just in time to catch Liam doing this!

Someone's stitches are all healed so we can finally swim again!

Lilly loved it and pretty much belly laughed for an hour. Marley even got into it too! We are so happy to be swimming again.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hungry Girl - 9 months old

This girl chows down! Then when you lift up the tray it's like round two ( and I wonder if she got anything during round one)

Lili went to the doctor on the 20th here are her stats and miles stones for 9 months

Weight 17lbs 2 oz 20th%tile
Height: 28.75 in 90th%tile
Head: 17in 25th%tile

She is still a little skinny thing, but I am glad to hear that she is starting to put on a few pounds. She tall which is always something that makes Jacob and me happy. Little still has such a pleasant temperament. She is soft and kind, but still doesn't really like anybody if I am around. She plays the game you're my favorite in the room right now game. She has since she was born I guess.

Things I want to remember...
  • Still the number one way to describe Lili is pleasant. Geeze she has been so sweet.
  • She's tiny I love that my little girl is dainty.
  • She is really sweet and loves to cuddle and if I'm holding her she loves to play with people. If I'm around and someone else tries to hold her she completely looses it.
  • She crawls and has since she was 7 months. When she crawls she tend to to crawl on one knew and one foot rarely is it both knees.
  • She just loves he brothers. She plays with them and they play really nice with her. When she first started crawling they didn't like it because she would get in the battles and mess them up. It was a problem for like a week. Then the boys figured out how to make it part of the game and everything is fine. She is not the Giant baby that attacks them. She always crawls and chases after them and they do the same for her. When they are playing this she squeals with excitement.
  • To say this little girl loves food is an understatement. She loves to eat and would eat until she throws up. I actually know that she does eat until she throws up. So now I think what is a good portion and I just stop her because I know she wouldn't stop on her own.
  • Her favorite foods are- Bananas, Gerber snacks, yogurt and yogurt melts, and applesauce.
  • She is a smiley baby. When I am not looking she will pull and me and just smile and push air out of her nose. She does that a lot to get my attention. She had always pushed air out of her nose to get my attention.
  • My first binki baby still loves it and won't go to bed or get in the car with out one.
  • She has these cute growls and grunt. I know she learned them from the boys, but she has been doing them since she was very little
  • She is a true blue cuddle bug. Most the time when I pick her up she gives me a huge hug and rest her head on my shoulder.
  • She pinches me a lot. She does it a lot when she is tryig to put herself to sleep. Talk about karma

Monday, August 12, 2013

Funny boys and yummy chicken

My Peak was today I got the cast off my nose. Geeze it felt so good to get that thing off. The Dr's office is close to Lo Lo's chicken and waffles. So I took the boys down there for the first time. We had a lot of fun and then we took an order of chicken to my dad. He loves to eat fried chicken so we thought this would be a good meal for him.

I Never want to  forget tonight for FHE Eli wanted to be in charge. It's so cute because he acts just like us. He will start a sentence then want us to finish it. For example he would say something,"When we make a mistake we can make it better by....." It's so cute he like raises hie eyebrows so excited for us to figure it out the rest of the sentence. He also said and now I am turning the time over to daddy who will tell us...(then he whispers in Jacob's ear what story he needs to share. Some of our best FHE lessons come from Eli.

Tonight for FHE we also play super smash brothers. It was wonderful because the boys won for real.(seriously we didn't even let them they just did it)  Eli did first and then Liam and I tied and he beat me! It was so cute to see there faces when they won, but it was the Liam he was truly comical. He realize he won and he started like jumping and shooting I won I wont I did it. This guy is awesome I am always going to be that guy. He is the best! Then as Liam is finishing that sentence Eli says I'm going to change my guy and Liam without missing a beat says I'm going to change my guy too. Oh wait no my guy is awesome. Seriously retelling the story doesn't even come close to sharing how awesome cute and funny the moment was.

Took the kiddos to LoLo's Chicken and Waffles today. It was a hit. I mean who doesn't love kool aid, chicken and waffles.

Doesn't she look like she's up to something? That something is pounding Kool Aid and loving having more sugar in one sip then all the sugar she's had her whole life.

 I have Kartchner DNA. That means I know how to eat the chicken and the bone!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Funny boys

My peak today was we went to my parents house for FHE. My poor dad still feels horrible but he joined in the lesson and everything. We did a lesson on obedience I told the story of little red riding hood with puppets then we played Simon says. I think it went well. Hopefully Eli does better at church this week. 

My pit today was Eli was making back choices Liam was making good ones. Liam was thing to talk Eli into making a good choice but instead Eli grabbed Liam and threw him to the ground. I saw the whole thing and had to punish Eli. Eli is such a good kid I'm hoping this stage of life is very short lived. 

I never want to forget how funny Liam has been the past few days. 

Yesterday we took the boys scorpions hunting. Jacob found one on the ground and so Liam runs over to see it. He is screaming and waving his bat ready to kill this thing. As he gets close he trips and falls right on top of the scorpion. We all freak out screaming. Somehow he doesn't get stung and Jacob still kills it in time. Then we all realize how funny it was.

I recently heard about a group going door to door to see what kids you have home and them targeting you. I don't know if this is true but I'd rather be safe then sorry so I told the boys they can no longer answer the door or go out front with out an adult right next to them. Today Eli ran across the street. He must of thought it was fine because he knew I was standing there. I watched Liam stop and think about it for  then run in grab a toy then run outside. As he is crossing the street I yell for the two boys to come back. Liam turns around and starts explaining himself. Saying, "mom it's okay. I have my sword just in case the bad man comes I will fight him."

Guess who learned the floors can be dangerous when mommy is mopping.
I finally gave in and let my kids rent one of these animals at the mall. They road around like this for an hour.

Today I learned something new. Birds can swim. This poor guy got stuck on our pool under the net. It took a while for the boys and I to free it. Then once it's wings dried it flew away.

This little boy has been craking us up latley with all his funny stories. Today he told me it was okay to be out front by himself because he had his sword and he could protect himself from the bad man.