Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Let's go D backs.

My Peak is I have realized that I am getting closer and closer everyday to having a good balance of my time being a mother of 3. I think after each child you struggle finding your sleep. You struggling with cleaning, or giving each of your children the attention they need. Today I can tell that I am getting really close to feeling normal and in control with my 3 kids....now if I will feel this way in a week is the question.

My Pit was I forgot to take the boys to sports class. They love going to class and today I forgot to take them. oops poor kids.

Today Jacob took the boys and the Gilmore's to the Diamond back game. They all got dressed up in their shirts or jersey. Put on their hats, grabbed their Giant rattlers rattle we even made signs. They had such a good time. Jacob sent me videos of the boys dancing and cheering. They even all took off their shirts and swung them over their heads cheering for the team. (just the kids) I Never want  forget the fun they had. They truly made some wonderful memories. Jacob is such a good father making these memories for them.

My guys are deck out and ready for the D backs game tonight.

Hoping to catch a ball tonight.

Monday, April 29, 2013

The good the bad and the ugly

I have been trying to squeeze in a library visit for months now and today we made it. My Peak was the library. The boys, Lilly and I had to much fun. We read a ton of books and checked out a ton of them. As I was walking up I could smell the building. I just love the smell of books even!

The beginging of my day was wonderful. I just loved it. I got a lot done I went to one of my favorite place. I was feeling pretty good about myself. I had just one more thing I had to get done on my list before boot camp tonight. I needed to hit up the store and get some very much needed groceries. I hate taking all my kids when I have an infant. The infant carrier takes up the whole cart and I just a little much. I try to get it done when Jacob's home but I just couldn't wait so I took all 3 kids. While I was shopping my boys got into a little fight. They NEVER fight so I nipped it in the bud fast. Right after that was done Lilly freaked and started crying more like screaming at me. I got her out of her seat and looked up at this man. I gave him a sheepish smile and he shot back a dirty look. At this point I had to push the cart with the toy car while holding Lilly. I looked tired and probably really stressed. I know it wasn't in my head but I swear like half the store was giving me dirty looks. My Pit was this shopping experience. I felt totally defeated as a woman, as a wife and as a mother. I was pretty down the rest of the day.

I Never want to forget how sweet the boys are.On the way out the door to the store I told Eli and Liam to get their shoes and get in the car. I loaded up the kids and it was when I got to the store I realized Liam didn't have shoes on. I kind of scolded him for not listening and said, " Liam you can not get out of the cart because you don't have shoes." Eli picked up that this kind of hurt Liam's feelings and he said, "it's okay Liam. I have my shoes on but I won't get out of the cart either." Both of them were angels and never got out of the cart.

Poor Lilly thinks it is normal to wake up and be smothered this much. PS Lilly has recently got some cheeks. Her legs are still skinny but she's starting to chunk up.

I love the library and books and I'm pretty sure I've taught my boys to love them too.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


When Jacob's home Eli walks up to us a asks us multiple times is it family time yet? The boy loves when we do stuff together and I do too. My Peak was our family time today. We played Monopoly and my family came over for a bit. It was wonderful

My Pit is I think this week is finally catching up to me. I have been so tired. I have some sort of Allergy or cold that is making me feel horrible. Blah it needs to end and it needs to end fast!

I Never want to forget how kind Jacob was to me. He let me sleep in while he fed and bathed all the kids for Church. Then this afternoon after church Lilly went down for a big nap so I again took and nap. It was amazing. Jacob's a good man I already decided I wanted to be with him forever 7 years ago. However today I was reminded I want to be married forever and ever.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

A family of heros.

Today's peak was as a family we ran the town of Gilbert super hero run. Eli and Liam were so cute and did the whole thing. I'm so impressed with how hard they worked. The whole family had a wonderful time. We will for sure be doing it again next year.

Today's pit is that I am starting to get a little sick. I guess my body is just a little warn down from all the happenings the past week.

I never want to forget that our children can do hard things.We were wondering which of the three distance to do because they were young. There was a .5 mile, a mile, and a 2 miles. We decided to just go for as long as the boys wanted to go. These sweet boys never wanted to stop!  Now don't get me wrong this run was fun, but was over two miles with 16 obstacles. That isn't easy for a little body. My little boys did the whole thing. Eli ran or walked the whole way. He even did some parts multiple times. Our children are strong and we should be challenging them, always pushing them mentally, and physically. It's good for them.

This morning our little family ran in a superhero obstacle course the town of Gilbert put together. This was our before shot.

Eli after his favorite obstacle. I love Liam in the background.

One of my favorite pictures. Thor and Captain America.

We ran it with our friends Rick, Marlo and their two boys. Rick came down with Sire on his back a little faster then he thought and went right over our boys. It was hilarious.

Daddy with a face full of grass...having so much fun with his boys. I love him. such a fun guy!

Nothing stopped these super heros they did the longest race and all 16 obstacle. We had a blast.

All done race. We had a blast and found our little Lilly.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Back to normal

Peak getting back to our routine. Liam has started feeling better so I have thrown him right back into normal life. We went to sports class and swimming lessons today. I think we are all very happy to be back to a normal schedule.

Pit I really couldn't think of one so I am not going to push the issue.

I Never want to forget I  love me a good bike ride. Jacob bought me another beach cruiser and we hooked it up to the trailer. I find so much joy loading the kids up hoping on my bike and going for a little spin.

Swimming lessons with Mary. Liam is doing great. He's doing to be swimming in no time.

Oh just chewing on my Dino. this little girl has dozens of teethers and toys. However her brother Dino is hands down her favorite.

She's so perfect. I just can't handle it.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This is not happening

My Peak is wonderful news. It's like music to my ears, but Liam Hasn't thrown up today! He even ate some solid food. Now if we could only get the stuff coming out of his rear end to be solid we would be in business.

Pit Jacob is sick. need. I say more?

I have already done this as a post before but I figure it's a good one that I should be reminded of multiple times a year throughout my lifetime.I Never want to  forget I can do it.I can do anything that is put in front of me. After all I tell my boys "you're and Ash and Ash's NEVER GIVE UP!"

Oh the irony. My husband rushes home for LA to help me with my very sick little boy. Jacob is currently throwing up everywhere. I feel so bad for him but I keep laughing because he is the loudest at throwing up. Every time he starts vomiting my kids start crying it scares them. Eli yelled, "is that a monster?"

Oh just us three healthy's hanging out at Eli's practice. Little girl is cracking me up. Just playing with grass and watching my brother.

Liam's feeling better.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The calm before the strom.

My Peak was this morning Debbie watch my kids and I snuck off and got a much needed facial. It was nice to get some me time in and relax after Liam being so six yesterday...plus I didn't know what was in store for my future so looking back I am very happy I got this short amount of time. It was like the calm before the storm.

My Pit was ending up in the hospital with a very sick and sad Liam. Poor kid hasn't been able to keep down a single thing in over 48 hours. He is grey, his eyes are sunken and he can hardly move. This is horrible seeing any child this sick.

I Never want to forget all the blessing I received during this trying day. Linda came and helped with the kids and even took Lilly while I was in the hospital. My dad and Cecil rushed to the hospital to give Liam a blessing after they worked so hard all day and I am sure they were tired. My mother took Eli and kept him happy and healthy. My phone was dying so I text the Gilmore's and my sister rushed down and brought me a phone charger. All these people dropped what they were doing to be there for me. I was going through something what could have been extremely difficult but my burden was made light by all their service. I also had some wonderful friend text and contact me seeing how they could help and volunteer to take my kids so I could focus on Liam. I am humbled by all the love that I felt.

I'm so very sad to say my poor Liam has gotten sicker and sicker. The Dr. took one look at him and said get him to the hospital. I feel helpless.

IV in aka Buzz light years lazer. X-ray taken. he has been so brave no tears. Except he has been crying for water (the Dr won't let him have any just yet). Poor kid was grey now he is starting to get some color.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Adventures with Illness

My pit needs to come before my peak on this post or my peak won't make sense. So my pit today is that Liam is super sick. He woke up and he had it coming out of him at both ends. I also had the relief society lesson today. I was running late and barley made it there on time. Then I brought Lilly so Jacob could just focus on Liam. Lilly have a bit of stranger danger and only likes me so she freaked out for a few minutes during my lesson. Finally I just had to take her from who was helping me and hold he wile I taught me lesson. I don't think my lesson went too bad, but it didn't go that great either.

My Peak was that Jacob was in town and he helped out a lot during the chaos with Liam. My mother also brought us dinner tonight. That was so sweet and it made me happy because that was just one less thing I had to worry about. Jacob leave tomorrow for LA for a clippers game. I sure hope Liam is all better or this little trip is going to be very difficult on me.

I never want to forget the team work that Jacob and I had. We both just got in there and got everything done. Liam pretty much vomited or pooped on most the things in our house. We both got it all cleaned up and took care of the other two little. We were and are a great team.

I also never want to forget how funny Liam was. Vomiting is a new thing to him. So I started to notice that he would say he was done and then he would vomit right after that. Sometimes he would even be yelling at me that he was done vomiting while he was still throwing up. I found this to be so funny and I would just laugh and laugh. I told Jacob that he did that and I have a vivid memory of Jacob walking down the hallway with Liam. Jacob is holding the vomit bowl and Liam is screaming he is done. Then he turns and throws up in the bowl. Its so funny watching them walk down the hallway and keep doing this.

This little guy woke up having an adventure at both ends. Jacob and I this morning have cleaned our couch, shower curtins, carpet, rugs and some tile floors. Happy Sunday! ps did i mention I have the relief society lesson again in just a few hours!

Today I learned that when Liam says phrases like "all better Tummy" or "all done throw up" there is more soon to follow. In this picture he is yelling he is done throwing up but he is still vomiting. He also stars screaming to tell me he also went to the bathroom. I feel bad for the poor kid but i can't stop laughing. PS he has been potty trained for awhile however due to the current situation we thought diapers would be best today.

I've never had a baby who plays with their feet. I thought I wouldn't like it but I find it totally adorable.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Be prepared.

Today my Peak was that we went a had a wonderful time at the zoo with our friends. Shelly and her two boys Henry and Wes came.The weather was great and our kids were adventurous. It was wonderful.

My Pit today was that the guy who I hit last week called me.  I thought for sure he lost my number or just figured he would fix it himself when a week passed and he never called. Well today I found out I was wrong and he called me. Bummer! Oh well it was my mistake

I Never want to forget forget prepare lunch early.I have been trying to take good care of my body and loose some of the baby weight from Lilly. Lately I have been making my lunch in the morning that same time I make my breakfast. This is good because then when lunch rolls around I already have my food ready so I am not tempted to eat unhealthy food.   Failure to prepare is preparing for failure. Also it is nice that my kitchen doesn't get messy again at lunch time. Just the one mess in the morning.

Today Eli mistook sting ray teeth for candy. So he ate them. Yes this cute kid ate stingray teeth and asked for more. ps I said Eli let me take a picture of you. He said sure and stuck like 8 poses. This was my favorite.

Jacob and I are currently on a diet. Liam loves it and honestly eats what I do. Tonight he had 3 serving of salad.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Be the good in this world

 The Peak of my day was listening to Eli and Liam tell their friend William all about the floor plans to our new house. It was cute what little things they said and what things they have picked up from Jacob and I talking.

I still have a good amount of weight to loss after having Lilly. I feel like I hit every road block in getting back in shape. I have been sick a few times or the kids have been sick. Or it's just so hard to get to the gym with 3 kids or to always find someone to watch them. Any way today my Pit I started a diet and I broke it.

Today there was a bombing a the Boston Marathon. It was such a sad scary thing. I have been thinking about it a lot and it breaks my heart. I am so heart broken for all these poor people who just finished a great accomplishment. Who are healthy and hard working. Then someone with a very evil heart comes along and destroys something so wonderful. I never want to forget that there is good in the world. For ever bad thing that happens I have to remember that the is probably 3 good that happens. There is still good in the world and we need to appreciate it, love it and always be looking for how we can be the good in this world.

Poor Lilly no body loves her. cha poor girls always being smothered by these two sweet boys.

Eli's getting his cavity filled. Kids not even nervous.

Eli was so brave today at the dentist. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to get such a good kid. John was great with him. We are big fans of kid grinz.

I left our floor plans up on the computer. I walked by to hear Eli and Liam telling their friend William about it. Eli said, "and that's the mud room. Do you know what that is? " William replies, "no"Eli continues, "It's not a room full of mud it's a room where you hang your backpacks. Haha.

Eli told Liam he was acting grumpy. Liam agreed so he put himself to sleep.

Fresh and clean

The Peak of my day was finding our and going to a free reptile show for my boys. It was super cute and they loved it. I love seeing how brave and smart my boys are. Eli would have touched a held everything!

Today I didn't really have a Pit I feel happy, healthy, and I did everything I wanted to. Today was a day to be proud of.

I Never want to  forget the cleanse I did today. I feel so happy and healthy. The juices were not the best tasting, but they were not disgusting either. I think over all I really benefited for the cleanse and I think I will be doing more in the future. 

This is my food for the day. Jacob and I are doing a juice cleanse. 1 down 5 more to go.

Eli likes it

As part of Gilbert's week out we went to a free reptile show. Eli loved it. Liam's attention went in and out.

The boys getting up close and personal with a reticulated python named Lilly!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ashley's in town

My dear friend Ashley came to town for a very short time. The peak of my day was having lunch with her and Jacob. We had such a fun time and wonderful conversation. I love having old friends that are still in my life and are so important to me.

Today after Ashley left Jacob and I took the boys swimming and cleaned up the backyard. It was nice getting stuff done and playing with the boys, however in the middle of it. Lilly started burping these scary burps and then she vomited everywhere My pit was hearing that scary sound. Poor little girl .

I was doing some last minute touches on our 2012 taxes. I still had a few credit cards to input and little things like that. I just so happened to be reconciling the card for the month Lilly was born. Today just so happened to be her 5 month birthday so I was really fun for me to look back on our spending those few days leading up to her arrive and the few days after. I don't know why but it was a really fun memory to have. I never want to forget all these sweet little memories.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Work or play

Today I woke up with a long list of things I needed to do. Taxes are due soon, the house is a mess, we always need food at the store and so on and so on. Well I decided to put off what I needed to do and play with my boys. I chased them around my house. I remember hearing them laugh and thinking I am so glad I am playing with them. They are such a joy in my life. The peak of my day was chasing after my sweet boys.

I don't need to say much for this pit to be understood. I had to do our 2012 taxes blah!!!

I never want to forget it's okay not to clean but to play. I love my kids and they are going to grow up before I know it. The house work will always be there, but my children will not. It is important that I find a good balance of work and play. If I do decided to put off work to play with my kids I need to remember that it is okay to do once in a while.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

And keeps going and going and going.

Today while Eli was at school I ran to the mall to grab something before picking up Eli and heading to the fair. I was running a little late and I decided to pull forward out of my parking space rather then back out. I will officcally NEVER do that again. As I miss judged and hit a parked car! My pit was hitting this car. Very little damage was done to my car however I broke his tail light....grrr

After hitting that guys truck. I met up with my friend Shelly and her kids. We went to the state fair. We stayed for a few hours looking at animals and riding rides. My peak was It was so much fun watching my kids. I just love the county fair.

Today was a busy day. I originally thought I planned more then I could ever get done. However I made it to everything. I did my errands, went to the fair, packed lunches, planned dinner, got present for birthday party, went to party and put the kids down for bed before heading out for a few hours of friends with some girlfriends.  I never want to forget that sometimes I can do it all.
 Started my day off with breaking this guys taillight

Then we headed off to the county fair with one of my favorite people. Shelley and her 3 beautiful children.

This crazy goat stood up and was kicking playing with this sign. We all got a kick out of that.

These 3 braved the coaster. Eli did not when he heard it was fast. He got off even faster. (He also yelled to Liam hurry get off it's fast.) Before the ride started

Shelly and I thought for sure one or more might of gotten scared but all 3 loved it.

Eli did a giant slide obstacle course instead.

After the fair we rushed off to a birthday part for our little buddy. Sire (forgot to take a picture) after out park and goof golfing we headed home for some much needed baths. After getting the kids to bed my awesome friend Regan called and girls dinner down the street. I thought why not who doesn't like to eat dinner by someone who smells like farm animals. Thanks for a fun night.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Keep calm keep it simple

Today's Peak was that today I had a much better teaching experience with Eli. Yesterday I freaked out he was behind, and that I was a horrible teacher. Today I learned that I just need patience and Eli is doing great.

My pit is that I didn't get to go to bootcamp. Greg moved boot camp to today and Gilbert Jr. Which means I could make it. However due to misscommunication I didn't get to go. I really need his work outs. They make such a difference in my life.

I never want to forget Eli's baseball practices. He loves it so much and tries so hard I love watching him. Also enjoying playing at the park with Lilly and Liam while Eli is practicing. Everything about it is so enjoyable.

Happy playful girl at Eli's baseball practice.
Yesterday I worked on letters with Eli. It did not go very well. Today he did all of this really fast and tried so hard. I am so proud of him. What a difference one day can make.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Quick and to the point

Peak I got a nap it's the simple things.

Pit I fell asleep during conference.

I never want to forget Eli and his love for family time. Today we did little moments all day of family time. We played board games went out front and jumped on the tramp. Jacob did little wrestling matches with the boys. The while we are doing it Eli will say things like, "This is family time!" "We are having family time!" "I love family time!" I loves it and never wants it to end. This is a special thing I need to keep family time and time where our children are the most happy.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Don't Nag

Today conference started. I always love Saturday conference. I like to turn the TV up really loud and do a little project while I listen to conference. I feel so good I swear working is more fun I am just plain happier. My Peak was starting my day off right by doing this little tradition with conference.

Jacob had fun camping and is super cute with our sons, but when he does go camping her usually doesn't get enough sleep When Jacob is tired he is grumpy.The pit of my day was grumpy Jacob.The good news is he got a nap so he was back to his happy Jacob in no time.

When Jacob was getting ready to leave camping I kept saying things to him. Probably sounding bossy. Okay who am I kidding of course I sounded bossy. Then when he was home and grumpy I think he thought was even more. I really dislike being that way to people, but to Jacob in particular. I never want to forget that I do not want to be a naggy bossy wife. Think before you speak Stacy. Think is this really something that even needs to be said.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Good good day

Today was a very good day and because of that I have a lot of peaks. My first is a my car got detailed. Geeze it was so dirty and now it is super clean with brand new mats. I just love it. Now I just need to keep it that way and everyone (especially Jacob) will be really happy.My next was Jacob took the boys camping. So I had a few hours with just one kid and that was awesome. He says he is going to do this every month so I think that is pretty cool and I am all for it.While Jacob went camping he went with some friends. I got to hang out with  my new friend Marlo. She is really sweet we had fun together and we had a really good conversation about the church. I feel like I answered her questions about my faith pretty well. I had a wonderful time at dinner with her.

My last Peak is a story about Liam. Today they had sports class. Coach D had them riding around on the little square things with wheels on the bottom. They were racing around the room. Once of the kids was having a hard time and wouldn't stay or do anything. His mom was trying really hard to get him to participate but this kid wasn't having it. Coach D pulled out a red scooter and gave it to the boy. He said you have the Red hot rod no one else has a red one. After Liam heard that he went over to the boy. It looked at first like he was trying to get him to play, but then I quickly realized he acted like he was being nice. Then he slowly gave the boy his blue scooter and then took off on the red hot one.

After Jacob left camping with the boys. I was thinking about all the wonderful things he does. I am so lucky I have a husband who tries so hard at everything he does. He is hard working, funny, always trying to better himself and he tries to hard to make all of us so happy. I called Jacob up and told him how much I appreciate him. I never want to forget to always be appreciative of all Jacob does. I am so very lucky to have him

It wasn't until after I was done make 30 breakfast burritos did I ask myself how on earth did Jacob trick me into making breakfast for everyone on his camping trip. Yes after and yes 30

And they are off...a camping they will go

Just got this text from Jacob. It said "I told Marley to climb in the back and lay down. This is what he did." Sometimes I really love Marley.

Shhh don't tell my kids I am home sitting on the couch eating their Easter candy while they are gone camping. Bad mommy

Thursday, April 4, 2013


My dad started out with my pit!  I needed new tires for my car so I bought some and set an appointment for them to get put on today. My day was panning out to be pretty crazy so Jacob was going to drive my car out to work and drop it off for me. As he was driving out of the garage I yelled stop because I notice one of my tires was COMPLETELY flat. I don't know how to change a tire and Jacob was in a rush. So I was stuck home all day until Jacob got home so that he could change my tire. Geeze good thing my husband can change a tire! On a side note I did make the best of my day and invited some of Eli's and Liam's friends over to play. We still had a lot of fun even though we couldn't leave the house.

My Peak was after Jacob put on my spare I drove out to Gunnels tires. They were going to fix my brakes and my tires. I told them I could only do the tires because I didn't have time and I would make an appointment to come back again. After they finished with my car they came up to me and said we did your brakes already. We know you had a bad day and that you have small children so it is already hard for you to come down here. So we put two guys on your car and worked extra hard to get this done quickly for you. I can not tell you how much this meant to me! I love that place.

My I never want to forget is NEVER put things off. I should have just changed my tires on Tuesday afternoon. I originally got my oil change Tuesday morning and they told me if I needed new tires and they could put them on at 1pm. I didn't want to drive back out there during naps and again in one day so I said I would come Thursday when my oldest was at school. If would have just taken care of my tires right away I would have never been stuck at home and things would have gone more smoothly for me today.

Giant water balloons with  our fun friends Jude and Olive

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Today's Peak is I had Debbie come over and help me clean. My house was spotless by noon today. It felt so good! I love having a clean house.

Today Eli had baseball practice. While we are there Liam likes to play on the playground. There is a little hill around the playground. Liam went up and and came tumbling down. He was screaming and totally lost it because he scrapped his leg and got a little bit of a bloody nose. My Pit was that he got hurt but that he also totally freaked out. You would have thought something took over his body his lost it so bad.

Today I had a lot of thoughts about being a mother. One of the thoughts I have had a lot this week in particular is I want to have lots of good memories with my children. I want to play with them and have fun with them. It get frustrated with how tired I get or the day to day things that I really need to get done. I struggle with which is more important in that very moment. Should I really clean this, Does this really have to be done. Then on top of that I am very tired so a nap sounds nice or because I am so tired I may not have as much patience as I would like.  I NEVER want to wish my children's life away. Meaning I don't want to wish for them to be older so I have more rest time. I want to enjoy every moment of their existence. I was thinking about how I never want to miss out on their life. I thought how nice it would be to be able to have glimmers of their ages through out my life. Like every Tuesday my kids are like they are now. Then on Fridays it's when they are grown and I am with my grandchildren. How awesome would that be? Just to experiences a period of my life every week. That would be so awesome because then I will never loose this moment. However that can't happen so I get to struggle with should I do this puzzle with Liam, or do the dishes. Should I tickle Lilly or clean the bathroom. Should I play baseball with Eli or make a healthy dinner. I guess I just never want to forget to live in the moment. Enjoy what I have now because in a blink of an eye it will be over and I can NEVER get it back.

Just a regular day at the Ash house.

Mom I didn't break your glasses see you can still wear them.