- It was a beautiful service. A lot of people came to the funeral and I was even more impressed that so many people drove 3 hours to burry him.
- Lee, Steph and I spoke. I think we did a great job. We laughed we cried and he paid tribute to a wonderful man.
- It was the most beautiful day ever up north. The weather was nice actually perfect. We had the loveliest sunset. It was my dad dream day
- When we got there the hole was dug but there was water. They tried to clean it out but they couldn't so we couldn't actually put him in the ground. We dedicated the grave (uncle Gayle did) It was a beautiful prayer and the spirt was very strong.
- After the grave side service Gayle and Velma had everyone to their house. We had a lovely meal and hung out on their land. My dad loved this land. I still have a very vivid memory of the 24th of july up there with my dad, Jacob and Eli. We walked the property and pet the horses. It is one of my mom vivid memories and where I got one of my favorite pictures of all time. I haven't been back since that day, but when Jacob and I were there we saw the beautiful horse (the same one from the pictures). At the end of the night there was a beautiful sunset and I saw the horse off in the distance with it. It was so peaceful and happy it was very symbolic. Honestly I felt my dad spirt so strong. I felt like he didn't want to be in the ground yet because he wanted to be at Gayle's after. Everything was so perfect and pretty the whole family was together. It was his perfect day. That's how it wanted it to end and so that is how it ended. Not with him on the ground but with the whole family together....just as it will be...someday
- The nest day the Gilmore's and Jacob left. My mom couldn't leave without putting my dad in the ground. I felt like I wanted to stay and since I had nothing pushing me home I stayed with my mom for two days up north. It was nice we relaxed and really enjoyed ourselves. Deanna and Debbie stayed too.
- The monday morning we went to his grave sight. This time my dad was placed in a concrete tomb and lowered in the ground. My mom and I walked up to it just before they lowered it and had a moment. Then we told them we were ready and we started lowering it. We started to hug and just has they started to lower it the church bells went off. It wasn't planed but it worked out that way. It was beautiful. Loosing my dad was one of the hardest thing in my life...even harder the month and year after however the days right after his passing were peaceful and lovely and I will always cherish how perfect they were.
This is my daily Journal where I will share the Peak (best part of my day) the Pit (the worst) and something I never want to forget. This way I hope to remember this wonderful time in a life.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Putting my Dad to Rest
These pictures I posed over a year ago...I never journaled it and quite frankly I haven't really journaled since my dad died. I used to be so good at documenting events a feelings and ever since loosing my dad I have stopped all that. It has made me sad and know my dad is surely upset that I am not recording these memories, but today I fix that... today November 9th 2014 . This is what I remember about putting my dad to rest
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