Sunday, October 13, 2013

It ended with vomit

Jacob had to pick up some boys for church today. That meant I was alone in getting everyone dressed and out the door. My Peak was we were a  happy family on time to church.

My family came over for dinner tonight. Near the end of the evening we were all sitting and chatting. Lili started to act sad and funny then my Pit Lilly vomiting. She just kept throwing up all over me. You could tell her body just hurt and the vomiting really shocked her. Poor thing

Some days don't go as planned, but turn out to be absolutely perfect. Today was one of those days! We forgot that Eli had to talk in church until last night so 30 minutes before bed I come up with and write a talk for Eli. Then we had to try and get him to memories it as quickly as possible. That is a little problematic when you child can't read. So I printed of pictures that he could look at that would help him. Eli had the whole talk memorized while he was getting dressed for church. He messed up a little when he shared it in church but I have a video of him doing it at home and he did it perfectly!

After Eli's talk they asked us to go in the nursery because no one showed up. Jacob and I were more then happy to go there. After all it's Jacob's favorite place. Lili got to go for the first time and let me tell you the girl loved it. She played, sat there like a big girl for snacks and loved singing time.

After church we got to relax, I got my temple recommend renewed, Jacob got in some football and I prepped veggies for the week to help with my healthy eating. The day was just perfect and lovely.
Never forget Eli's talk. He did really good but melted when he made a mistake in front of everyone. I learned from that moment. That Eli is a very hard worker and when he messes up he is very hard on himself. I need to Learn from it how to help him.

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