Things I want to remember about 4 year old Liam:
- He was a difficult baby but he is an amazing little boy. He is so thoughtful and always picks me flowers. Lili started to destroy them so now he brings her one to destroy and one for me.
- He loves cowboys and has figured our that country is cowboy music. He enjoys that too.
- He loves to play with his action figures. He has a great imagination and can get very intense when they are fighting it's fun to watch him.
- When we go out to eat anything can be good guys verse bad guys. For example Sugar and splenda will fight the creamers or different color packets fight each other.
- He loves to color and do crafts. He is excellent and very patiant. He will sit until the whole thing is done and looks good.
- He's very focused and want to do his best at everything
- He still pitches my hair and grinds his teeth. I've noticed he does this to Lili a lot
- He is kind and loves chooseing the right
- He says Eli is his best friend and loves spending time with him.
- He runs very fast, and you can tell he will be an excellent athlete, but he loves to walk slow and is usually bringing up the caboose whenever we are walking somewhere.