Thursday, February 12, 2015

busy busy

Today was a super busy day. I started off my day with a new diet and I went for a run with Lili and Liam. Nothing is easy with little kids. Lili broke my iPod so I had to get music on my phone anyway an hour after trying to leave for my run I actually left for my run. Liam rode his scoter and I pushed Lili. It wasn't easy running after being on bed rest for two weeks I was super tired, but I think I did pretty good. I let Lili bring the iPad hopping she would be quiet and let me just focus on running but nope the girl talked the whole time.

After my run I ran some errand then helped my neighbor by unloading her groceries and watching her son so she could go get her eyelashes done. I took some snacks our front for the kids to ride their scooters and snack. We had a lot of fun and we were laughing and enjoying ourselves. I told the kids I needed to clean up and then we needed to take Eli his lunch at the school. I walked and put the food away and when I came back Luke (my neighbors son) was gone! After a frantic look around our two houses and a quick bike ride around the neighborhood. We finally got a call from the school because Luke was there! Oh my gosh it was so terrifying. Luck however did what I said he went to the school and he was looking for Eli. When he saw me again the first thing he said was, "Eli?" With his arms up looking for him. I was so scared but I still enjoy little children so much.

Since we couldn't find Luke I was late taking Eli his lunch. Poor Eli was crying at school because he told me he NEVER wanted hot lunch and since I was so late they were making him have hot lunch. It was heart breaking after being so scared with Luke to see Eli crying at school. I brought Eli home for a little bit so that he knew we didn't forget about him and that we love him very much. He was much happier, and had a great day after that.

This evening my friend Jessica and her 5 daughters came over. We made bugs for valentines day. They will be containers to hold all of their valentines.It was crazy painting, cutting, glueing and all the other stuff we did, but they turned out cute and we had a great time. Jessica's family stayed and we had a pizza picnic in the front yard. We ending up staying outside basically all day! It was a beautiful day with wonderful weather.

Things I want to remember...

  • When watching other peoples kids don't assume they will act and behave like your kids. I thought Luke would stay because Liam and Lili would never go somewhere with out me but Luke is independent and adventurous so obviously not the same kid
  • Tonight as I was reading books and one was about frogs. It asked if you could dance like a front and jump like a frog. I love how little kids are always wiling to do and try these things. I look around and just smiled at each kid and their wonderful personalities.
  • I feel so bless and happy with where my life is. I see Eli always so kind and thinking of others. Liam is so sweet and is always trying to do the right thing. Both boys are excellent examples to Lili. Lili is a fire ball full of question and wonder. She's sweet but she sure can be feisty
  • Today was a busy fun day. They can be stressful but I sure enjoy every minute with these little ones. My friend said to me. The days are long but the years are short. I think that is so true. I will miss this years, but geese are they exhausting and trying my patience.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


In early November Jacob and I found out I was pregnant. We were overwhelmed with joy and excitement. We also had a lot of fear and concern because since June I have suffered 3 miscarriages. Dr Huish put me on progesterone which is a drug that should help my body hold on to the baby. At about 7 weeks I became very sick. Water was the worst and most foods I couldn't even think about let alone eat. After some very hard weeks and suffering through a lot of dehydration I was finally 12 weeks pregnant. My chance of a miscarriage was less then 10%, I could get off progesterone, and I should be nearing the end of the sick hard days. This was an exciting week for us and we finally felt comfortable telling the world we were pregnant!

 Just before turning 13 weeks and entering the second trimester I saw a pea sized spot of blood. I've never spotted EVER while pregnant so there was alarm. I called my dr and I got in for an ultrasound right away. The ultrasound  showed no big problems the baby's heartbeat was in the 166 range and strong, growth was normal and all seemed well. I had a small hemorrhage which they believed to be the cause of the spotting and I should take it easy. .So I did. I would do small things in the morning rest in the afternoon and I stopped bootcamp. We also called Jacob's brother Adam and ER DR. in LA who told me about the condition and said it was totally normal. Lots of women experience it and go on to have perfectly healthy babies. Jacob had to travel a lot for work around this time so I was alone a lot. Our families helped me with our kids and other people in our neighborhood too.

A week after my first spotting I went to the bathroom and found what I felt was a significant amount of blood. I again called my dr got right in for an ultrasound. Baby was growing just fine had a heartbeat of 158. I calmed down and took it easy the rest of the day. I felt awful ever since 7 weeks and that night was no different. I had a horrible head ache and my stomach hurt (which it had for months). I went to bed early with the kids. In the middle of the night I woke up feeling like someone bashed me over the head my headache was so bad and my stomach was cramping.

By 6 am when the kids were up Jacob checked on me. I was probably not looking to good and he decided he was going to stay home and help that day. He had a few errands that he had to run and a meeting at 1 other then that he was going to be home. When Jacob was about to leave for his errands we decided the kids needed to be watched by someone else. Jacob's aunt Julie quickly came over and took our kids to her house. Jacob left around 10 and returned a little before noon. He brought me juice so I could try and get some what hydrated. By this time I was in a lot of pain and cramping a lot. I called my uncle Bill who was an OBGYN told him my symptoms  and he too felt it was the small hemorrhage. He said the mothers are aware but the babies have no idea it was happening. (everyone thought this because there really wasn't that much blood and the baby showed a healthy heartbeat as well as good growth, with no signs of any other reason for the small amounts bleeding)

***WARNING*** I'm sure by the title of this you know what happening. This next part is probably TMI for everyone but it is what happened and this is my journal so it's here. You can read on if you want but I would suggest stopping if medical things make you squeamish or if you're pregnant.

By this time I had convinced myself the bleeding was from the hemorrhage and the cramping was from the dehydration, because of all this information we felt it was okay for Jacob to leave for his business meeting. From about 12 to 2:50ish my pain really spiked. I was starting to really ball up in pain about every three minutes, then feel perfectly fine. These few minutes of feeling perfectly fine was the reason I stayed in pain for so long before telling anyone. I tried to watch TV to distract myself from the pain. After a while I realized that the pain was very similar to labor. They were three minutes apart lasting a little over a minute. I can't explain why it took me so long to accept or even realize how serious things were but at some point it happened...I'm thinking denial but who knows.

I called my mother in law first. She is the type of person that has a level view of things and when she seems panicked then you should probably start freaking out. I heard once that Cecil (my father in law) wasn't feeling well she thought that he was fine and wouldn't take him to the hospital. Cecil finally drove himself to the hospital and his blood pressure was dangerously low and he really did need to be in the hospital. I decided that if Linda was worried it was time to take some action. Linda was very very worried. I quickly called my mother and asked her to come to my house right away. My mother I would say is the opposite of Linda. She worries, and basically prepares for the worst  and anything less is a gift. I also called a neighbor and emailed Eli's teacher  about arrangements for Eli to get home. I could hardly take 2 steps I knew there was no way I could walk across the street to pick up Eli.

My mom got here but the front door was locked. I seriously hard the hardest time getting out of bed and walking to the front door. I started to feel pain even in my legs. I had to brace myself on the bed and walls to make it to the door. I was in so much pain I couldn't even stand up right. My mom saw me and said, "Stacy nothing about this is normal." I knew she was right and I figured we would wait to get Eli situated and then head to the hospital. We started to walk back to my room and I thought I should see if there was blood. No sooner did I sit down did I get a horrible pain and I felt something rather large move from me. I looked down expecting to see a large clot, instead I saw two tiny arms and tiny little legs. I screamed telling my mother is was the baby. It was horrible it was traumatic but to make it worse the baby was still attached me, hanging from the umbilical cord. I couldn't pull because it was attached somewhere deep inside. We couldn't cut it because of the chance of bleeding. According to my uncle this had to be done by a physician. This is the moment I lost it. I was already crying. I was already in pain. I had already held this little body in a towel for at least 10 minutes. I was traumatized. I felt pushed to my limit and now I was being told that I had to drive to the hospital like this. I was sobbing, shaking and I heard the school bells ring  earlier. I was expecting Eli to walk in the door any minute. I had to get it together this little boy couldn't walk into this craziness.  Then just as it seemed I gave into the awful scenario I had one more horrible cramp and the baby was free.

I was ready for the hospital but now I just needed Eli and Jacob to get home. Eli some how was wondering around the neighborhood playing with friends and being social. Jacob was in west phoenix when he got the news. Poor guy was so far away and it was poring rain. I could only imagine what an awful drive that must of been for him. Once Jacob got home he drove me to the hospital. This  ride was no fun as I was bleeding and having horrible cramps. It's basically like labor and the drive seemed to take forever. Driving in the rain didn't help. We finally got there they put me in a wheelchair and I had to wait out in the waiting room before a bed was available. Jacob went back with a Dr. to see the baby. Soon they realized I was bleeding so much that I was making puddles on the floor I also looked white as a ghost and had really low blood pressure, because of all of this I got to cut a few people and I got the next available bed. Once the Dr came he said he had to do a pelvic exam and then they would do an ultrasound to make sure everything was out. The pelvic exam was like round two of my suffering, not only was I already in pain but then he had to cut snip pull and scrap things out. This seemed to go on for days, thank goodness Jacob was there to hold my hands. After the Dr was done they gave me some morphine. The ultrasound looked good and a little before 8 we headed home.  I am sure I thought I just need this to be over in my head at least a thousand times and now it finally was.

About an hour after everything was done I started to feel better. I was hungry and thirsty. I haven't been hungry since November. I drank water. Another item I hadn't had since November with out throwing it up. Maybe it was the morphine but I ached everywhere for months and in those moments I felt relaxed. It was at this moment I realized that it was never a healthy pregnancy. My body was seriously suffering and I knew no matter how painful it is to admit that this miscarriage was what had to happen.

There is a lot of pain in our house right now. Jacob and I are dealing with a lot of emotions and it's hard to think about anything or even to think about what we do next. We have both decided to only look at the silver lining. Only focus on the good and think of a bright future. We can't think what ifs, or what might have been because that only leads down a road of pain and suffering and we have had enough of that.

Things I want to remember...our tender mercies

  • I'm so thankful my mom got there when she did. She wasn't there for more then 30 seconds before things got super crazy. To think of all of that happening and me being alone would have added a whole new level of fear and suffering.
  • Jacob is never in west phoenix that is easily an hour drive at the time of day. He probably got to me in around 20 minutes in the rain! 
  • I'm so happy we decided to have Julie take her kids to her house rather then stay at house. I couldn't imagine what those two little kiddos would have done seeing or even just hearing what was happening.
  • Through out my pregnancy and miscarriage people have been bringing me treat and flowers. For a while all I could really eat was Thrive. I had so many sweet neighbors call me when they were there or just drop of things they thought might help from drinks, to homemade bread. I also had plenty of people willing to take and care for my kids
  • The peace we feel. Don't get me wrong Jacob and I are heartbroken and hurting but for some reason we don't feel a sad dark cloud hanging over us. Honestly even when my heart is breaking the most I still feel comforted and a sense of peace. 
  • Only maybe a dozen people know what happened this weekend and I've had my house cleaned meals brought, flower and treats. We have been loved and blessed.
  • As I ran out to Jacob truck it was rainy. I closed the door then I heard a little knock. I opened it to see Eli soaking wet holding his backpack. He handed it to me and said mom hold this over your head when you go back out in the rain, it will help keep you dry. He's such a sweet boy always trying to find some way to help and show he cares.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Ice Cream = Mamo

This week I was playing with Lili. Her new thing is to say no but in the funny low voice and she draws it out. I would ask her something and she would say No to everything said. Finally I wanted to try and get her to say yes so I started to ask questions that I knew she would say yes to. I asked Lili want ice cream and she said no again but then said mamo?

It's obvious in our house ice cream and mamo go hand in hand

Monday, September 29, 2014

Eli's lost his first tooth

For a few weeks now Eli has had a loose tooth. I check it every once and a whole and about a week ago I noticed two teeth have already come up behind his tooth. I said Eli you need to be wiggling that with your tongue all the time. It's time for that tooth to come out. 

Today we were all downstairs watching Harry potter and Eli starts saying,"my tooth. My tooth." Jacob and I look over and sure enough Eli's holding his tooth in his hand. He was so excited and he was squealing with excitement. He said he was sitting there wiggling it with his tongue and he just pulled it a little and it popped right out. We asked if it hurt and he said "nope not one bit."

So exicted for our very first tooth fairy visit! 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Kinds say...

We were having FHE getting ready for school. We were giving them scenarios of things that may happen during the year. One example was saying no one played with the girl because they said she had cooties.  Then we asked what they should do. Liam being the sweet innocent boy that he is said I would be nice and give her more cooties. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Eli's 6 year questions

  1. What's your favorite color? Blue
  2. What's your favorite toy? Star wars
  3. What your favorite fruit? Apple
  4. What's your favorite TV Show? Star wars, but I can't watch that anymore so Ninjago
  5. What is your favorite thing to eat for Breakfast? Eggs and Choc milk
  6. What is your favorite outfit? Green Yoda Shirt
  7. What is your favorite game? Frog game we got from the Gilmores
  8. What is your favorite snack? Pear
  9. What is your favorite animal? Cheeta
  10. What is your favorite song?Star wars Theme
  11. What is your favorite book? Star Wars
  12. Who is your best friend? Liam
  13. What is your favorite lunch?Dino Nuggets
  14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play with family or football
  15. What is your favorite drink? Choc milk
  16. Where is your favorite place to go? Disneyland
  17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Diagula
  18. What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner? Chuckee Cheese
  19. What do you want to be when you grow up? Police officer
  20. Favorite thing to do with mommy? This (asking him questions)
  21. Favorite thing to do with daddy? Madden
  22. Favorite movie? Ninjago
  23. What makes you sad? No Candy
  24. What makes you happy? Candy
  25. What makes you scared? Monsters
  26. What's your favorite sport? Football
  27. Favorite family activity? Watch Harry Potter

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Liam turns 4!

Today sweet Liam turns the big four. We are trying our best to make his special day lots of fun but not having a house and moving tomorrow makes things a little tricky. He woke up this morning and we had donuts for breakfast. Jacob and I also put up signs for his birthday. His favorite was the one showing he is four with big boy muscles. That afternoon I had to run some errands and then he picked lunch and Chik fil a. His favorite place to eat.We even went and got Ethan and he joined us for lunch and playing at chick fil a. After lunch He went with my mom so that I could get a few things done before the big moving day. He loved spending a few hours with his cousins and he had so much fun. Then we all met up at Chuckee Cheese (liam picked all our meals) He ran around an had a great time with his family. Mamo, Ethan, Aunt Julie all joined our family for fun and games.

Things I want to remember about 4 year old Liam:
  • He was a difficult baby but he is an amazing little boy. He is so thoughtful and always picks me flowers. Lili started to destroy them so now he brings her one to destroy and one for me.
  • He loves cowboys and has figured our that country is cowboy music. He enjoys that too. 
  • He loves to play with his action figures. He has a great imagination and can get very intense when they are fighting it's fun to watch him. 
  • When we go out to eat anything can be good guys verse bad guys. For example Sugar and splenda will fight the creamers or different color packets fight each other.
  • He loves to color and do crafts. He is excellent and very patiant. He will sit until the whole thing is done and looks good.
  • He's very focused and want to do his best at everything
  • He still pitches my hair and grinds his teeth. I've noticed he does this to Lili a lot
  • He is kind and loves chooseing the right
  • He says Eli is his best friend and loves spending time with him.
  • He runs very fast, and you can tell he will be an excellent athlete, but he loves to walk slow and is usually bringing up the caboose whenever we are walking somewhere.